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I woke up, had a shower and got dressed. But I was going to get changed in my battle gown later, I wanted to shoot this video of me singing, I've been getting spammed with comments asking for more, so I had to do it today. I set up my camera and got my acoustic guitar, not my electric, and sat down on the bed, I pressed record and started,"Hey guys, loads of you insisted I did more of these so here's one, I did get asked to do one by P!nk but I'll be doing that in the next video so sorry for that. This is a song that I wrote and it means a lot to me and I would appreciate it if you didn't hate the song and press unlike. The song comes from my heart, if you don't like it fine, but goes." I strummed my guitar softly as an instrumental. Then sang,"#When I first met you and you first met me
I thought I had no chance with you...
But then you came over and that's when it all changed true

You were there for me and I was there for you
Nothing else could change that life
Well I was wrong
Someone else made it through and turned it all upside down
That person tried to take me away from you

I hated him for it
I loathed him for it
But somehow....... I was drawn to him to....

Oh why does this have to happen to me?
Can someone help me please!!
I'm stuck in a love triangle
I just don't know what to do
Or who to turn to
I'm committed to you
And love you so,
But somehow I also love that person I hate.....

I try my best to ignore it
And try to stay committed to you
But something in my mind
Something in my heart
Tells me to love the wrong person
I don't know why
But I think it's right

But then I redefine myself
I swerve back round to you
Going against my heart
Against my mind
I head back to you
But then I turn again to the person I hate
What am I doing?!

Oh why does this have to happen to me?
Can someone help me please!!
I'm stuck in a love triangle
I just don't know what to do
Or who to turn to
I'm committed to you
And love you so,
But somehow I also love the person I hate.....

One problem though
The person I love and hate
He hurt you so
And I got mad
But later on
The one I fully hate
Showed me secrets.
The secrets mesmerised me in a trance
You snapped me out of it and saved me from him

Many years went by
He never showed his face
But then on a big occasion
He decided to show.
I have to admit
I was so happy to see him again always
It never ended well
And he was soon out of the door
But once again....
I wanted him back

Oh why does this have to happen to me?
Can someone help me please!!
I'm stuck in a love triangle
I just don't know what to do
Or who to turn to
I'm committed to you
And love you so,
But somehow I also love the person I hate.....

Oh will you just stop me from this pain
I just can't decide who
Samir I love you so
But Kimroch I just don't know
Why do you put me through this?
Kimroch I hope this tells you
How I feel about you
I don't just love you,
I also love Samir
Just leave me and Samir alone
And let us get on with our lives
Otherwise I'll forever be
Stuck in a love triangle......#" I finished the song and said,"Thank you all for listening, I hope you understand that this is happening now, I felt I couldn't express my feelings any other way. It's all thanks to that person who said that I should do a song that speaks about me, about I feel. Thank you to that person." I ended the recording.

(Kimroch's POV)

I turned up at the soon to be Storm household, sigh, why does she have to be Samir's. I want her to be mine, not Samir's. I asked Samir where she was as she wasn't playing video games in the living room, he said that she was in her room doing something. I thought I could go say hi and confirm the dream in person and not just by text. I was about to knock when I heard something. It was....singing. I listened closely to her. The words that she sang sounded like she really meant them. "#Oh why does this have to happen to me?
Can someone help me please!!
I'm stuck in a love triangle
I just don't know what to do
Or who to turn to
I'm committed to you
And love you so,
But somehow I also love the person I hate.....#" 'But somehow I also love the person I hate' those words, does she actually have feelings for me, 'I'm stuck in a love triangle' yes she does. I waited for her to finish and finish recording. I knocked on the door and waited for an answer,"Come in." I walked on through and when she saw me she backed off to the back of the bed,"What do you want? Stay away!"
"Why are you so worked up?"
"You know why. And I bet you heard me sing didn't you?!"
"Yes I did."
"(Heavy sigh) So embarrassing."
"Hey, I would of watched it anyway."
"Yeh, I suppose you're right, but stay away from me." As I walked towards her,
"I wouldn't hurt you, ever! I just wanted to ask you something."
"Same. What do you want to know?" She asked staying well back.
"Is it true?"
"Is what true?"
"Feelings for Samir and me?"
"Well..." She hesitated,"Never mind." She went quickly,"My question."
"Are you actually, you know?"
"The answer is yes. Shocking I know, I didn't have a choice."
"What do you mean?"
"A year before your's and the other's graduation. The king of dark angels died from old age and the only heir to the throne, was...."
"You...." I nodded,
"I was taken away from my rich home and was taken to my coronation."
"But wouldn't you be the king not a prince?"
"Sometimes it can get confusing with heirs and rulers. Thing is my father wanted me to make my sister the queen, but the public disagreed and said a woman should not rule, but it was good thing she wasn't made queen."
"Why's that?!"
"She was killed."
"By who?"
"It was unknown,"
"But that still doesn't explain the whole prince thing."
"As I wasn't chosen to be the king I had to be crowned prince."
"Oh. So, onto other things. How did you do that dream sequence?" She relaxed a bit on the bed, but I kept my distance,
"Oh that, well, you see..."
"One of my other talents is being able to travel in other people's dreams. Being able to do as I please in them, if you know what I mean."
"So...when you kissed me, you actually...." I nodded solemnly, she had her hands to her mouth, shocked, and I couldn't help but wanting to hug and comfort her, but I restricted myself,"Oh my gosh." Tears started to form from her eyes,"I thought it was all fake, and then you sent the text..." I cut her off and hugged her. She stopped talking and, accepted my hug?! She held my arms close and calmed down, she looked up at me with her tearful face,"Please don't tell Samir. He'll kill you if he finds out."
"Course I won't, but you like like me?" She looked down full of guilt,"When?!" She shrugged,
"I don't know, I just did."
"Even the times when you shouted, slapped me and cursed me?!" Terra nodded.

We jerked when we heard the handle turn, I scrambled and ran to the bathroom, and Terra dried her eyes quickly, trying to not make it look like she was crying,"Wolfie? Are you ok? You haven't come out in a while." Samir came in, he wore his black and silver battle outfit with his sword at his side. He also wore a slightly worried look on his face. Wolfie? When did he start calling her that?
"I'm fine Samir."
"You don't look it. Your eyes are bloodshot and your face is wet."
"I-I had a shower."
"Your hair isn't wet?"
"I dried it with a hair dyer." Samir looked very concerned,
"Did Kimroch come in here?"
"Uhh, no. Don't think so...."
"Well ok, we're leaving soon, do you want to get ready. Phoenix and Dan said they'll meet us there."
"Yeh, I'll be there in a minute."
"Kay," he walked out and shut the door. I came out the bathroom and asked,
"What does your battle outfit look like?"
"You'll have to wait and see." She sounded mysterious, well, can't blame her. It's one of the things that draw me to her. She grabbed her gown from a chair and slipped into the bathroom locking the door. I headed outside her room cautiously, Samir was busy upstairs in his room, I was safe. If he found out I was in Terra's room, he would go mad. I sat down on the sofa and picked up the remote of the coffee table. I flickered through the channels there was nothing on. I turned the Tv off and looked round me thinking about what else I could do. I spotted the Xbox and thought I could play that. Reluctantly I picked up a controller and turned on the console. I played the game that was in there for about 5 minutes and got addicted, literally. I heard Terra come out of her room, she crossed her arms and knelt down behind me,"Having fun?"
"Ahh! Oh it's yyouaah..." When I saw, I thought I could cry. She looked so beautiful, her brown hair was pulled to a high ponytail, she wore a white gown with a dash of red, and she had two swords ether side of her. The only make up she wore was blood red lipstick. Oh why did she have to choose Samir?! "Too much?" I paused the game quick and turned to face her,
"No, you're dressed perfectly. You're perfect." I leaned in and whispered,"Want to play?" She nodded and she jumped over the sofa, making sure she didn't jab me with the swords and picked up a controller. We then played and waited for Samir to come down again.

(Terra's POV)

Half an hour later, me and Kimroch were just about to complete the final level, when Samir came in and distracted us,"Ready to go now, you two?"
"One sec, we're just about to complete the final level,"
"Really!? How did you get that far!?"
"Can't talk now, need to concentrate." Samir shut up after that and went and sat next to me, and waited for us to finish,
"(Together) YYYEEESS!!" Me and Kimroch completed the game and the credits rolled on the screen,"That was fun."
"Let's go then, Phoenix and Dan are waiting for us."
"I'll get the car ready,"
"No need Samir, I've got this all sorted..."

Ooooo, cliff hanger, sorry Fudgeham I know you hate them, what do you think will happen? Will Terra choose Samir or Kimroch, to be honest I don't know ether and yet I'm the one that's writing it! And if you wanted to know, I did write the song. I know, it's really bad, but I'm more of a book writer rather than a song writer, I did my best though and I couldn't find an actual song to fit Terra's situation, but still. Anyway, I hope you like it.

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