The text

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We left left the house and headed towards our separate homes, I said goodbye to Samir and Dan and said see you tomorrow, and when me and Phoenix came back into the flat, I was in a daze and was confused by that last few words he spoke,'I know a few things about you that even you don't know.' What does he know about me? "Terra?"
"What took you so long to get out of the library? It can't of been the books."
"Kimroch said something to me."
"What did he say!?" She asked worriedly,
"He said,'I know a few things about you that even you don't know."
"Wait, what kind of things?"
"He didn't say."
"Hmmm, well we'll have to find out sooner or later. You've got to tell Samir and Dan about this."
"Ok, any way, what do you want to do?"
"What ever you want."
"Hmmm, Minecraft let's play together." Flair rolled her eyes
"Fine, just this once."
"But no face cam, you still got your wings."
"Oh yeh, forgot about that."
"You forgot about a load of feathers and bones attached to your back, come on!"
"Hey! I can't help it, anyway, you don't have angel wings attached to your back. Now let's do this let's play, I want to make the most of it.

*Time skip*

(Samir's POV)

It was just after dinner time when I got phone call, it was from Terra,"Hey Terri, why didn't you call earlier?"
"Oh, I was making the most of doing a let's play with Phoenix, you know what's she's like."
"Yeh,'s the wings?"
"They're ok, they've gone now, but I wanted to tell you something."
"Ok....what is it?" I started to get concerned, what was wrong?
"Well....before we left Kimroch's, he told me something."
"What did he say?!"
"He said....he said...."
"Come on Terra, it's better to get it out quickly than slowly."
"He said he knew things about me that I didn't know."
"Wait, what kind of things?!"
"He didn't say."
"So, he stalks you then! Such a sick jerk."
"Oh hang on, I've got a text."
"Who's it from?"
"Tell me what he says!"
"He says,'I know what I said was concerning and worrying you, but I won't be seeing you for a long time. I want to give some space. So....goodbye see you in a few years time. Xoxo Kimroch.' Hmm, strange."
"So, he's leaving us alone for a while then?"
"I guess so. Anyway, see you tomorrow."
"Bye, hugs and kisses."
"Hehe, bye."
"Bye, see you tomorrow." She hung up,"DAN!"
"HOPEFULLY!" I was so glad he's leaving us for a while, I just hope he's not joking...

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