Samir's diary

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'Dear diary

Today was the first day at mine, Dan's and ugh Charlotte's new school, annoyingly Charlotte came with me and Dan. It really annoyed Dan, he absolutely HATES her. Everything we do to get away from her, she always finds a way to get back at me. When we walked into the classroom with our new teacher, I saw the most beautiful girl in my life. She was sat in the corner next to the window all on her own, she looked really lonely, quite, shy so on. After the teacher introduced us I went straight over to her. When I heard her back story about why she was lonely. It was so heart breaking to hear it, then on her wrist lay a bracelet with a vine symbol, something in my heart lit up. ANOTHER BENDER. And she was HOT, I was so excited that I found a girl, THAT was a bender as well. From the her symbol it looked like she was a grass bender.

After break Charlotte came over to mine and Terra's seat and was holding her phone and was acting sort of, strange?! Then she played a video that was filmed on her phone, then I saw Terra, Dan and I think Phoenix flair is her name were using their powers, in the garden Terra was talking about. I couldn't believe Charlotte would do that to win me over. Terra looked like she was about to cry, but was strong and said that Charlotte's photoshopping skill were amazing, Charlotte asked for my opinion desperately, I agreed with Terra, well of course I had to back her up, and her identity and element benders stand up for one another. When Charlotte heard me she went and stormed off in a strop.

I waited with Terra at the garden waiting for Dan and Phoenix flair, they arrived and her friend immediately started to tease her. I think it was because I was a boy and that Terra hardly knows anyone in the school. Then Phoenix asked me to show my stuff, to her and Terri so naturally I said yes, anything to impress Terra. I took off my blazer, then angered myself and cleared my mind, I started to turn to my natural image and a storm started to brew. I started to lift off the ground when I was changing and I could see the three of them below me. When I saw Terra's face I knew she was already impressed, but I had more to show. Rain started to hammer down pelting onto the floor below, lightning strikes and claps of thunder were appearing and being heard, I never felt so good in my life.

After I finished and came to the ground again, everyone was gaping, their mouths wide open. I asked if I was ok, they went mental,"Ok....ok!! You were A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!" Terra was more impressed than the rest of them and didn't realise that she went and hugged me. She HUGGED me, I thought this was my only chance to hugged her so I hugged her back. Her friend then dragged her away. I wanted to hug her longer, her face turned back to me longing to be with me longer, I gave her a wink and a smile and headed home with Dan.'

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