The fun day off part 1

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I headed towards the door but in the corner of my eye I saw a pair of eyes in a bush, they were light blue from what I could just see. I didn't recognise the, but I ignored it and went on through, when I saw Samir and Dan's house, I was absolutely overwhelmed with expensive TVs, carpets and sofas, not forgetting the antique furniture, then I noticed next to the main TVs there was a Xbox with a stack of games and controllers. I headed over to the white sofa and sat down minding my leg, I thought to myself,'This place is amazing, he and Dan must be rich, compared to me and Phoenix. My day is turning to one of the best days ever. But wait...aren't we suppose to be going to school?' Samir entered the room carrying two glasses of water and put them on the coffee table,
"Like the room?" He asked,
"Yeh, how could you afford this? Me and Phoenix could only just afford a flat." He answered with,

"I'm a youtuber, my channel's called: The air bender plays,

"You're a youtuber!" I said almost shouting,"I'm a youtuber too,"

"Really! What's your channel?"

"The shy wolf."

"Do you play Minecraft by any chance?" I gasped, he plays Minecraft too!

"Yeh! I'm totally addited to that game."

"Do you want to play some in a minute?"

"Yeh sure," this was so exciting, I couldn't wait. But Samir went upstairs straight after he asked me to get the xbox ready, I got the xbox ready, sat down and drank some of my water. Then waited.

(Samir's POV)

I didn't want to leave her but if we wanted to spend time with each other I have make the school close for the rest of the day, also I didn't want me and Terri to get in trouble, espesally since she has good grades. I must check the time quick, I looked at my bedroom clock 11:18. Right I've got 2 minutes to make a storm big enough to close the school, hmmmmm bit of pressure. I think I might just do it.

I powered up, faster than usual, my storm clouds started to form. Then it started to tipdown, lightning started to strike and thunder started to rumble. I quickly stopped and opened my eyes. I saw the storm, hopefully it's good. I looked at the school, pupils flooded out and watched the storm with amazment. I smiled happily, they ran towards their homes in happiness, cheering. Then I remembered Terra was downstairs. I grabbed my recording stuff and carried it downstairs.

"There you are, I wondered what you were doing up there..." She was interrupted by a crack of thunder and jumped. She stared out of the window,"I didn't know a storm was coming today. Must be a sudden change in weather then." I went over to the TV and pushed a button behind it.

(Terra's POV)

A big table with plug sockets appered in front of me from the floor. It looked so cool, Samir went and set up the recording equipment and asked,"You ready?"

"You bet." He handed me a controller and sat down next to me, then the let's play began.

"Hello viewers and welcome to a let's play with my good friend..."

"The shy wolf,"

"Let us begin."

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