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Sunday was an okay day, me, Dan and Phoenix did go see Samir of course, but it's not the same without him right there. We had to go back to school today, it didn't feel right. Though Flair and Dan were there with me on the way to school, I still wanted Samir's company. But obviously I would have to put up with it.
I sat down with an empty seat and waited for miss, Charlotte came over and demanded,"Where's Samir!"
"I don't want to talk about it right now. I'll tell you at break if I'm in the mood." She stormed back to her gang in a strop. I mean seriously why is she so obsessed with him, he doesn't love her, let alone like her. Miss came in carrying a box of pink and green cupcakes, but only one cupcake was blue. Strange I thought, my favourite colour's blue,
"Welcome back class and especially welcome back Terra. Someone asked me to hand you all a cupcake, the blue one's for Terra. I'll pass them round." As she passed them round, I got a better look at these 'cupcakes'. The blue one had a message on it, I was curious what said, miss passed me the blue one and said,"Welcome back, oh your grades haven't changed just in case you're worried."
"Thanks," she walked off and told the class,
"Right, while you eat all your cupcake I'm going to get a coffee." And she left, I read the message. It read,'To my one and only Terra xoxo' I wondered who was this from, it might be from Samir, I mean who else other than Samir knows my fave colour and put xoxo at the end. So I bit into the cupcake like everyone else, the icing tasted normal and the sponge was lemon, my favourite as well. It has to be from Samir. Once I finished it I threw the rubbish in the bin and sat down in my chair.
I looked round the class, they all started to fall asleep, I was confused. What's going on? Why's everyone going to sleep? Then I started to fall asleep, my eyes were starting to close, I tried my best to keep them open, but it was no use. I was soon fast asleep.

(Kimroch's POV)

Yes! It worked. I jumped into the classroom full of sleeping students. I walked to the back and knelt next to Terra,"Where's your Samir to protect you now. Guards, take her to the limo, I don't want you to wake her up. So do it carefully and try not to hurt her." They picked her up carefully like I asked and one of them said,
"What is it Toby?"
"How long are you going to be giving this Samir boy to get her back? And what age difference are you from her?"
"First question, about 72 hours I think. Hmmm yeah three days should do it and second question. Three years older. Now quickly now, we don't have much time."
"Third and final question, when do the three days start?" Toby asked hurriedly,
"Tomorrow 9am." Toby nodded and he and my other body guard lay her in the back seat of the limousine and did the seat belt. I sat opposite her and lay back for the the 30 minute journey.

The grass and fire benderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora