Talent central

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I called Phoenix and Dan over, they asked why and I told them I'll tell them later. They were a bit concerned but accepted it. "What did you want us for?" When they finally came
"HEY! How come Samir's got wings?! I want my wings!"
"Stop whining Flair, that's why I called you and Dan over."
"Ohhhhh, but what's our three talents other than our element?"
"Kimroch knows them, he knew mine, oh course, and he knew Samir's." We all faced Kimroch who was sitting on the sofa reading a magazine, he looked up and saw us staring,
"Tell Dan and Phoenix what their talents are."
"Why should I?!" I lifted my guitar from its stand and put it on,
"Do you want some more rock power BLASTED INTO YOU!?!? He dropped the magazine on the floor and backed off on the sofa,
"Then tell them their talents!
"Fine! Dan is water, caring and music and Phoenix is fire, animal carer and sport."
"Thank you!" I placed the guitar back down in the stand.
"So what do we do now, since we now know our talents?"
"You have to do a challenge."
"How about mine's something to do with sport, like......A RACE! That's it."
"But who against though?"
"Dannnnnn." Phoenix slowly turned to face Dan,
"Ohhhhhh no. I'm not racing you." Flair then did her puppy dog eyes at him, you could tell the Dan was struggling to say no again,"Fine! I'll race you."
"Yayayayayayayay!" And she hugged him hard."Let's go race now,"
"What!? No!" Flair took his hand and dragged him outside. Dan didn't look very happy. When they were out of the door, me and Samir burst out laughing, we then were eventually able to stop and then follow them to the park.

The racing park

We arrived at the racing park, luckily there was no one there so they couldn't take notice of our wings, so it was all good. "The rules are the first person to hold on for 10 laps continuously wins, no cheating, no tripping, no biting, no kicking so on so on."
"Wait! You didn't say 10 laps! Make it 5!"
"No can do Dan, you agreed to this and it has already been decided." Dan groaned and he and Flair settled down into a starting position,"Ready? Set?" They lifted their hind quarters up,"....GO!" And they were off. Me, Samir and Kimroch headed and sat down in the stands. Phoenix flair was just a blur around the track with Dan following. On the last lap, as Flair came towards the finish, she skidded leaving flame trails behind her and stopped right on the finish line. Dan jogged after her watching out for the amber flames. Flair wasn't even out of breath which was quite surprising. Me and Samir were standing in the stands cheering and applauding, Kimroch on the other hand was just clapping with an unexcited face, we then headed down to announce Phoenix the winner,
"How could you go for that long?!" Flair just shrugged,
"Dunno, I just can."
"Flair look!" And she did, candy floss red angel wings grew from her back she wore a pink and white striped skort, a white tee and a blue short sleeved jacket. She punched the air flying,
"Now we just need to do Dan's challenge. And get him his wings. Well Dan....what's your challenge going to be?"
"Uhhhhh....my element."
"Against who though?"
"Oh.....I don't need to go against someone. I just need to achieve my ultimate power in it." We all stared at each other in confusion, huh?

Mine and Samir's back garden

We went back home and went out back to the lake. Dan went over to the it and stepped onto the water. He powered up and water started to ripple around him, we stepped back as a vortex (whirlpool) started to form under him, the sky's grew dark and rain fell hard, we ran into the conservatory and watched from there. Dan seemed perfectly fine, unharmed...content. Some of the water from the lake splashed upwards in the air. There were gallons of water there, they separated and splashed everywhere spreading droplets across the area, that's when he achieved his wings and natural form. I never got to see Dan's natural form, nether had Phoenix. Only he, of course, and Samir knew his natural form and last time when Dan showed off he didn't do that much effort in showing off, sorry Dan! But now he's showing his power off properly. His new angel wings were a candy floss blue and his outfit was a plain grey polo top, a leather jacket as well and a pair of jeans and he also wore a pair of canvas shoes. He finished his performance and set all the water down. We ran out and joined him outside then it rained for real,"Hey! Your performance has finished mister."
"That's not me, go look on the weather forecast for today. Anyway, let's go inside now." We headed inside and had dinner. After dinner I check up on my channel and saw the video of me singing, I was thinking of deleting it but when I saw how many views and likes, I was amazed. I searched through the comments to see what they said,'Amazing, you're a great singer!'
'Plz do more songs! That was AWESOME!'
'Can you do a song by P!nk plz plz plz. I know you like rock music. Plz do P!nk.-From fellow wolf pack member' I replied to that comment saying,'Of course, I'll do P!nk. I love her so much, which song do you have in mind?' I waited for a reply, I got one really quick it said,'Do one that really speaks to you, how it makes you feel, or helps you say something through a song instead of talking. Hope you have fun with it. Love ya.-From fellow wolf pack member.' Awww, that's really sweet. I'll have to try and do the song tomorrow before we set off to war. I logged out and went back to the others. To say goodbye

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