Telling the truth

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We got back to Dan's and Samir's house after a walk in the rain, we all sat on the sofa and it was Phoenix Flair's turn to be spellbound,"Whoa, this is like so cool. How come you didn't take me here before?"
"I'll answer that later, first we need to ask Terra a few questions."
"Before I answer those questions, I need to ask you some questions."
"Okay sure. But first question. What happened to your broken leg?!" They asked at the same time,
"Well, today after breakfast Samir took me to this hospital place and met this nurse. She took me and Samir into this room and did she was like a health/healing bender and fixed my leg and said it was free of charge as we were fellow benders." My mates nodded agreeably,"Now for my question, why didn't you come and visit me, even AFTER school?"
"Umm, well you see..."
"We had a lot, and I mean a lot of homework and..."
"We HAD to finished by the next day otherwise..."
"We would get a years detention." I gave them a glare,
"You think I would believe that!?" They laughed awkwardly,"This is like year 8 all over again," Dan looked confused,
"What do you mean by it's like year 8 all over again?"
"Ask Flair, she probably took me being in hospital an opportunity to become popular again!" I stormed out and slammed the door to the guest bedroom. I sat in the corner, with my back to the door and cried.

(Dan's POV)

What did she mean by, like year 8 all over again. Isn't that the year they were separated? And why did she come up with Phoenix wanting to be popular? She was so upset when she stormed out, I could hear Terra crying from the bedroom,"Why did she get upset over that!?" Flair spoke,"Why was I ever friends with a super sensitive jerk..."
"Don't say that about her! I suggested going to see her, but you refused. Why's that? And what's this whole year 8 thing? Tell me the truth!"

(Phoenix flair's POV)

"Why do you want to know? She's just being a cry baby."
"Stop insulting her!"
"Why do you care!"
"Tell me what happened!"
"FINE! Back in year 8 I was talking to some of my mates from my new class, they were saying they were glad I got rid of Terra and if I got back up with her they would make my school life a misery. I said goodbye to them and turned to see Terra looking round the corner beginning to cry. She shouted,'I TRUSTED YOU! I THOUGHT YOU WERE MY FRIEND! LOOKS LIKE I AM A LONER AND A NOBODY LIKE THEY SAID!!' And started to run away. I tried my best to follow her to apologise but I lost her in the school field. I then found a small like forest area. I approached it and looked into the opening and saw animals, insects, birds and all kinds of plants. That's when I saw Terra finding out about her powers and using them in this,'secret garden,' place. Her image was changed, her brown hair was blonde with blue highlights, her uniform was a deep blue and gold robe with a black dress with a white rose imprinted at the hem. I turned to run. But she spotted me and closed my exit up with the trees. She asked me,'Is it true? You got rid of me for them?!' I acted awkward, then became angry,'You shouldn't of eavesdropped!' I then found out about my powers, my image started to turn natural, I stared at my angry changed self in the water of the pond. My brown her was all flared up into a striped highlighted dark midnight blue and dark red. My uniform also change to a deep blue and red ball gown and I wore a golden necklace with a big pearl embedded in it. I shouted,'What is happening to me!' I then thrusted my hand at her sending a ball of fire full of most of my might towards Terra. She tried to block it with her arm but it was too much. I didn't mean to hurt her. I ran over to her, she was burnt all over and unconscious. I dragged her over to the pond and tried my best to put her out, she eventually came round and forgave me. That's when we stayed friends through out the years. Then came the day when she was beaten up by Charlotte and her gang."
"But why didn't you want to visit her. You would of known she would be upset if you didn't visit her in hospital. I think now the only person she can trust now is Samir."
"So what, let her go off with your rich mate Samir. If she can't trust me then fine!"
"I said I think. But you never know. And....did you use her being in hospital to become popular again?!" I nodded shamefully,"But why? Would you rather have a friend who's always true to you and be your friend forever and can always trust, or friends that you can never trust, that will give up on you, use you and force you into doing things you don't want to do?"
"First option..." I looked at the floor still full of shame,
"Then go and apologise, if you don't she might never forgive you."
I got up and headed to the guest bedroom. I could hear her sobbing inside. I opened it saying,
"Look, ummm Terra, I'm...I'm sorry for being a jerk and lying to you. I just didn't think what might happen. I'm sorry." Terra turned to look at me from the corner she lifted her hand to my hair. I looked in the mirror to see what it was. There lay a phoenix flower slotted in my hair,"Does this mean?"
"I forgive you, just...don't hurt me like that again for a third time." She got up and gave me a hug, I hugged her back,
"I won't."
"Hey, do you want to play on the Xbox?"
"Fine, just this once." I gave her smile, she smiled back.

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