The video

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"Hey, Samir look I've got a video to show you on my phone." I looked up at my desk and saw Charlotte heading towards us. Samir's new place was next to me. Miss sat him next to me as it was the only available space left. "What is it Char?!" Samir said unwilling.

"I guess you can watch as well, Terra is it? Well I think you're going to enjoy it." That last bit made me suspicious. Well Charlotte took her phone out pressed play on the video and then I was so outraged by what she did. Samir was watching contently, when it got to mine and Phoenix's performance he watched even more contently. I looked up and glared at Charlotte, she gave a gleeful grin.

Once the video finished, Charlotte was hoping Samir would say that we were freaks, before he answered I asked her,"Hey can you send that video to me I think you have excellent photoshop skills,"

"Yeh sure," she sent it to me then realised,"Hey, it isn't photoshop this is REAL. Samir what do you think, do believe me?" Charlotte asked desperately. She really wanted Samir to be hers,"Well........"


"I agree with Terra, you have exceptional photoshop skills. You almost had me fooled." He then gave me a sly wink when Charlotte stormed off. "Your skills are incredible, same for you friend Phoenix flair."

"Can I ask you, do you know Dan Droplet?"

"Yeh course I do, he's my number one mate. He came with me to this school, same for, Charlotte." He rolled his eyes when he said her name.

"So do really like my performance then?" My eyes started to light up,

"UH, YEH! You were awesome. I loved the confetti of leaves and flowers. It gave it a nice touch. I also loved the flame Phoenix. How did Flair make it fly?"

"Dunno, it's some of her secrets. Anyway thanks for backing me up with the video."

"No prob, but why did you ask Charlotte to send it to you?"

"I have to tell Phoenix flair. But that'll be dangerous, because when she gets mad. Well you already saw what happens when she does."

"True, so I'll meet at the garden after school." Just as he finished his sentence the class was shushed and the lesson began.

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