Chapter 21

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POV: Logan

The boys sleep soundly, as we slink in the darkness. Gun held at the read, I look at every corner for the cost to be clear and when I see its clear, I keep going.

Four hallways cleared, I hear people yelling back and forth. I put the boys down, tucking them away in a corner. Slinking away from the boys, I don't go to far from the, gun at the ready for a threat. "Well they have to be around here somewhere!" a man yells out.

"Well if they are, they are hiding pretty good." Another man tells him.

"The boss wants those babies and their mother dead. He wants the father to watch and then kill him." The first man says.

"No, I heard that he wanted the mother to watch the father to die, then take out the kids and then take he out." A third voice says.

Blood roaring in my ears, my finger itches to shoot, but I know that if the shots are heard, where we hide will be heard. Looking around, I slip into a room that's empty, grab the pillow on the bed and then quickly go back out in the hallway. Putting the gun to the pillow, I line the shots up as best as I can. I get three down with dead shots, the forth guy, the first one I heard, I stand over him. He coughs on his own blood, he tries to say something, but I don't hear it and to be truthfully, I don't care what he has to say, and so I end his suffering.

Throwing the pillow away, I go to the boys, pick them up, they are awake, looking at me with big eyes. "We won't tell your mom about that, okay?" I say this, as if they can understand me. "Let's keep going, just a couple more floors to go and then we are home free."

POV: Ally

Davis and I work our way threw the Old Man crew. "We are going to end up running out of ammo at some point." I tell Davis, my hand past cramping holding the hand bow.

"We took their ammo, remember?" he asks, clearly winded as much as I am, having to push me around.

"It'll run out at some point," I tell him, as we hear shoes running down the hallway.

Davis turns quick, ducking us into the shadows, but its some of our bodyguards, only for them to be gunned down, from the other hallway. "God, this is just a fucking blood bath, that doesn't look like its going to end." Davis whispers, as the people that gunned down our men, walk by, checking to make sure they are dead. One of them even kicks one of the guys in the side, like the dead man is faking it.

We wait for them to go away and then keep moving. "When this is over, I'm so kicking your ass for faking your death." I whisper harshly to Davis, as we turn a corner.

"In my defense, I was sort of dead, until the Phantoms dabbled with life." He tells me.

"I'm still kicking your ass." I tell him, being stubborn as ever.


Finally, we get to the last floor that will lead us to the roof. We stop in front of the door, like we are in a video game, about to face the big boss. "Do you think he is on the other side of this door?" I ask Davis.

"Would make sense, this is his blood bath and all, why not wait for us to come to him, if his men can't get us here themselves? I just pray that our way out, is almost here." He tells me softly, he think stands in front of me, acting like a shield. "Get ready to shoot." He tells me over his shoulder, just seconds to open the door.

POV: Logan

My body shakes, I'm tense from being on alert so much. I'm bloody, but you got to do what you got to do, to keep your family safe. The boys have been falling on and off of sleep, one or both have cried so loud, that trying to be sneaky has been hard and to be truthfully, I waited for Ally and Davis to show up, ready to kick ass. But they haven't.

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