Chapter 17

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Logan lays me down on the bed, hunger burns in his eyes and I will admit this, I feel like there is a fire going threw my body, just by the hungry look in his eyes. He gets on to of me, lacing our fingers together. "You have no idea, how long I have waited to call you my wife. How often I dream, of a ring on that finger." His eyes shift to my left hand for a few seconds and then back to me. "We will be bound more then we already are."

Leaning up, I kiss him hard on the mouth. "You really do talk to much," I tell him.

He smiles down at me. "Yep and you still love me." He says, then he moves my legs wider and in one swift slow motion pushes himself into me. The motion almost painful, so when I grab onto his shoulders, he stops for a few seconds, letting me adjust to him. We of course have sex a lot, but since I've gotten pregnant, it feels like I'm getting to tight to have him inside of me.

Shaking my head, he pushes in further and then stops when he is completely inside of me. "I hope...when these kids are out..., this will be easy again." I pant out.

He kisses my neck. "Little Mouse, I hope the same, because I don't even think I can go slow right now." He then starts to rock inside of me.

We start to push and pull at one another, there is grunting and groaning. I end up biting him on the shoulder when he hits the good spot, he growls, bracing his arms over my head. "You are vicious when you want to be." He says threw his teeth.

 Letting go of his shoulder, I thrust my hips up against his and throw my head back and scream when I come and I know Logan not no near ready to come. He always holds that off, like a freaking show man waiting to give the people a big reveal that they aren't expecting! "Says the man...that loves to....get his hands bloody..." I gasp between words as he thrusts and soon enough I feel like I'm going to come again.

He slows down and when I look at him, the first thing that comes to mind, is that something is wrong and that I had something wrong. But when I look in his eyes, I don't see anything that says I did, all I see is the man I love and how much he loves me no matter what. "I may be a beast to others," the thrusts slowly rolling his hips. "But I'll always be your knight of darkness," he thrusts again and I can feel him about to explode inside of me. "I'll cut down anyone that threatens my family, even with my hands bloody and all." He groans as he thrusts one last time, this time is harder then all the others and I feel him let go and explode into me, as I come seconds later, the two of us mixing together. He rests his head, when he pulls out of me, our breathing harsh from the workout we just did. "I love you Ally never forget that, even when I'm bloodied up and broken."

Resting my hands on either side of his face, I kiss him slowly for a few long seconds, then pull away from him. "I love you two Logan."


The sun was starting to rise, the world slowly waking up. But Logan and I have been awake for hours going at it or just relaxing in one another's arms, Logan running his fingers over my stomach feeling the babies stir. "We should get up," I tell Logan.

He stretches, relaxing against the pillows, proudly naked. "Maybe, but we do deserve some what of a brake."

Getting out of bed, I go to the window, rubbing my stomach slightly. The air slightly cold compared to the warm bed, I just left. "I know, but we need to get everything with my dad taken care of."

Logan gets up and walks behind me, wrapping his arms around me. "I know, but you still need to take it easy."

Looking up at him, he looks down at me. "I know," looking back out the window, I have a strange feeling forming in my stomach and I know it's not the babies that haven't moved in a while, no doubt asleep. "Logan, do you ever feeling like something really bad is about to happen?"

He jerks back, and turns me around, so I have to look up at him. "What do you mean? Are you not feeling well? Is it the babies?" he asks almost panicked.

Shaking my head, I put my hands on his. "No, nothing like that. It's just I have this really bad feeling that something going to happen."

He pulls me in close and kisses my forehead. "We'll get threw this bad feeling of yours, like we do with everything else."

POV: Unknown

I see a girl face in my head, I feel like I know her and that I need to protect her and those that she cares about. Her head starts to form with a body, her hand reaches out to me. "We need you, come back home. Please." She says to me.

"Who are you?"

"You know who I am, you dork, you just don't remember right now. The question you need to ask is, who are you?"

Looking at her and then at my hands, I try to remember. "There was an accident of some sort," something stings my arm where I jerk trying to get away from the pain, but my body stays in place. "What the hell is happening?" I ask her.

The girl looks away from me, like she can't stand to look at me anymore. "There was only one way for you to live and you will soon find out what it was."

The girl starts to vanish. "No, you can't leave! I need to know what is going on!"

The girl looks over her shoulder at me and smiles. "I'll see you soon Davis."


Hey guys, here your update! What did you think of the chapter? Can you believe that Davis is still alive? Truthfully I did plan on killing him off, but I felt like this would go a lot better. Thoughts on this?

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