Chapter 1

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Bring! Bring! Bring!

Groaning, I reach my hand out to grab my phone to turn off the alarm. A warm hand slithers over my lower back. "No getting up." I groan out.

Logan chuckles lowly, getting up-if only to crouch over my back and move my hair away from my neck. "Did I make you that tired?" He kisses the center of my neck.

"Hum." Is all I give him.

His lips travel from my neck, down my spine and stop at where my underwear is. "Why did you put these back on?" he asks against my skin.

The bedroom door starts to rattle, of someone trying to come into our room. "Think your siblings are trying to brake in." I grumble, before sliding out of bed and go to the bathroom. Closing the door behind me, a feel slightly sick to my stomach. Groaning, I go to the cabinet under the sink, glance at the bathroom door and go back to it, and lock it-then back to the cabinet where I hid the pregnant test.

Taking it, I go to the toilet and pee on it. The instructions to have it sit for five minutes, so I grab some toilet paper on the sink counter and then put the pregnant test on it.

Someone knocks on the bathroom door, making me freeze in place. "Little Mouse, I need to go help dad with something; I'll be back soon as I can." Logan says threw the door.

"Okay, I'm going to take a shower!"

"Alright!" I listen closely and after a few minutes I hear the bedroom door close. Looking back to the pregnant test, I have a few more minutes, so I really do take a shower. The warm water washes over me, my body slightly sour from Logan and love making. I scrub myself clean, then get out of the shower.

Wrapping a towel around my body, I go to the counter and look down at the test. "Guess that nurse was right." Holding the test, I stare at it, like it'll tell me it's really lying. "I can't tell him. Not yet."


Sitting on the edge of the bed, I slip my feet into my sneakers, I admire my shoes and yes I know it's stupid. But you know, if things work out good, I'll only see my feet for so long. Exhaling, I stand up and as I do so, a sharp pain jolts from my neck, down to my spine.

Falling forward, I gasp for air. Blinking, the room gets darker and darker. Once the darkness takes me away, reality sets in. I was lost and alone.


I wasn't home with the man I loved, I was lost and there no grantee I was going to live. My hands bound behind me, water makes my clothes cling to my skin. Blood slides from my split lip, my body hurts all over.

A shadow moves in front of the moon light streaming threw iron bars. I was in some sort of old jail. The shadow figure walks forward, holding a crow bar. "What you feel now, isn't compared to what you'll be feeling soon enough, once Logan shows up."

"Keep...him...out of this..." I pant out, feeling my bones scream to be free from their bounds.

"But you see, the point of this," the old man grips the crow bar in both hands. "That no one gets away with crossing me."

Smiling against the pain in my body, I keep my body in a protection way over my stomach. Beat me all you want, but you won't take this baby chance of living. "Trust me when I say this old man. I'll be living way longer then you."

The crow bar comes flying and hits me on the side of the head, sending me down on to my side. "We'll see about that."


"Ally," rough strong hands lift me from the floor and put me in bed. "Ally open your eyes!" Logan commands.

Groaning, my head hurts, but I get my eye's to open. "What happened?"

"You tell me, you were pasted out on the floor when I came in." He moves my hair from my face. "Maybe we should have a doctor look at you, you've been really pale lately."

No doctors, I can't have a chance of him finding out about the baby. Not yet. I don't want him to be worse on being over protective. He's bad enough now as it is. Shaking my head. I take his hand in mine. "I'm fine, it's probably just a little cold, nothing to get worked up about."

He leans over and lightly kisses my lips. "It's my job to worry about you."

Smiling, I run my fingers threw his hair. "You're a mother hen, you know that right?" He laughs, kissing my hand, as I move it down the side of his face. "You need to shave, your starting to get stubble."

He takes my hand into his. "I was thinking about growing it out." He tells me, as he rubs his other hand over the small stubbles.

Pouting, I sit up and kiss him quickly. "Please don't."

He slides his hand under my butt. "We'll see, you might like the face hair."

Before I can response, someone knocks on our bedroom door. "Come in," Logan yell's out, as I get up, to sit next to him.

His mom comes walking in, holding what looks like two tickets. "Morning you two, how did you sleep?"

Logan and I have a section of the manor to our selves, no one can come over to our side unless they have the code. "Good," I tell her, before Logan has a chance to tell her he found me pasted out on the floor.

"What's with the tickets?" He asks, getting up.

His mom holds up the tickets in her hand. "It's to a ball, that we are all going to. It'll be a good chance to have some fun and get some initial, about your dad Ally."

"Do you think we'll find anything about him?" I ask her, standing up and going to her, to look at the tickets.

Logan gets up from the bed, comes up behind me, to listen to his mom before he goes to the bathroom. "Someone seen him, might just been a glance, but someone seen him. There will be a couple there, that overlook the security of the city. Where the party is at, they are staying there as well. We need to brake into their room and download all the files from their computer. After that, what they see, we'll see to."

We shake our heads in agreement. "I'm going to go take a shower." He whispers softly to me.

When he's gone, I'm glad I threw away the test when I did and put extra trash on top of it. His mom takes my hand, making me look back to her. She smiles fondly at me. "The nurse told me before we left the hospital about the baby. Does he know yet?"

Shaking my head, I glance back at the bathroom door. Soon after the shower starts up, before I speak again. "I haven't told him, and I don't plan on to, till after this mess is dealt with."

She looks down at my stomach and then back to me, a meaningful look in her eye's. of a mother and a protector. "I understand from where you coming from, I really do Ally. But these things do have a way of coming out, even if you don't mean for them to. So the sooner he knows, the better." She kisses me on the head and walks out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Damn that woman, I hate it when she right. Looking back at the bathroom door, I stay rooted to my spot, just looking at the door with him still taking a shower. But for now, I'll keep this to myself, I know Mrs. Phantom will to; she never been known to tell other people secrets.


Omg guy's, it's finally here! His Mafia Queen first chapter, I truly hope you enjoyed it! Vote and comment and if your feeling really nice, please recommend this story! 😊

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