Chapter 16

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After Logan talks to his mom, we go back to our side of the mansion. "You need to either take a bath or a shower, you stink really bad." I tell him, covering my nose to make my point.

He smiles at me over his shoulder. "A bath sounds nice and then you can join me and sit in front so you are comfortable."

Walking up behind him, I wrap my arms around him as best as I can. "Always thinking of me. So what did you and your mom talk about?"

He shrugs his shoulders, takes one of my arms and moves me in front of him. "It's nothing to worry about, just some stuff I need to look at. You need to not be stressed out, not in this stage of being pregnant or stressed in any of the other stages. Can you do that for me? Can you stay less stressed?" his eyes are pleading and worry edged into his face.

Frowning at him, I get suspicious of him. "What did you and your mom really talk about?"

He kisses my forehead, then puts his forehead to mine. "I'm just going to look at the family books and check some stuff out. I am going to make sure you and the family is going to be safe."

 Pulling away from him, I wrap my arms around him. "I like it better when you're an ass, makes it a lot harder to love you."

He smiles wickedly at him. "You still love me, even when I am being an ass, don't lie." He turns me around then, and leads me to the bathroom. "Now, about that bath, I'm thinking there needs to be a lot of bubbles, warm water to wash the days worries away and a few good minutes of some parents to be talk."

"Oh good grief, this should be good."

He smiles against my ear, when he closes the bathroom door with his foot. "Oh trust me, there a good chance you'll like this talk."

Getting out of his grip, I go to the bubbles, as he turns on the water. "That has yet to be seen."

POV: Unknown

I hear voices, but I can't say anything back to them, all I can do is hear them talk; my eyelids are to heavy to open. "How is he doing today?" a woman asks.

"Stable, everything looking good at the moment. I was afraid we might lose him a couple times." A man says.

"He's to strong and stubborn to die." The woman says back to the man.

Beeping fills my eardrums then for what feels like hours, until the sound subsides. My body feels stiff and as I try to move, my skin pulls against what ever is hooked up to me. "He's acting like he is trying to wake up." The first man says.

"It's not impossible, he's been in there for awhile now." The woman says back to him.

"I still can't believe that accident didn't kill him." The man says, just as a phone rings somewhere. I hear the clicking of high heals come closer to me.

"Stranger things have happened."

POV: Ally

I sit against Logan back, he's rubbing my shoulders, no doubt trying to work out the knots there and trying to butter me up with whatever he's about to say. "Logan, if you are going to say something important, you might as well as say it and stop trying to butter me up."

He stops rubbing my shoulders, wraps his arms against me, hugging my body against his. My breast have swollen thanks to the pregnancy and he's not shy up cupping them, when his arms around me. "I think it's time for us to find our own house. Somewhere quiet and a place where our children can grow happy and healthy."

"Didn't your parents once say, there's house all over the world we can pick from?" resting my head back against his shoulder, he relaxes his body more, one hand goes to rest on my stomach, where one of the twins kicks his hand, as if it's against his touch. "I think your bothering your children." I tell him, with a small chuckle.

He kisses my head. "Am not, they are dreaming is all and I just woke them a little."

Rolling my eyes, I rest one of my hands on top of his hand. "You might be smart in a lot of the things, but you just need to learn, when I'm right and your wrong."

He chuckles deeply at that. "Little Mouse, I've already learned that I'm wrong more then half the time in your eyes."

Laughing , I kiss him on the jaw. "A man that knows how to keep his head out of his ass, for at least a little bit."

"Not for that long and you know it," he shifts a little bit, sitting up straighter, making me do the same and the movement isn't all the comfortable, so I move to the other side of the big tub and grab the a bar of soup and as I do, I notice something shiny in on top of the decorative candle post by the tub. Reaching out for it, Logan grabs it before I do. "This is perfect example of fact, of my head up my ass."

"Logan, I thought we agreed-"

"That was you saying it, I didn't agree to it, that's totally different. I got a say in this, as much as you do." He protests. "Have you ever thought of us getting married? Can you tell me with a straight face, that you haven't thought of us getting married, having a big family and heaven forbid, a mini van we use once in a while."

Rubbing my head, I can't help but think of how much time he's put in all this. But why wouldn't he? I mean, he thinks everything over and yes, he has a habit of over thinking it, till his head starts to hurt. "Logan, with everything happening, do you think this is the right time?" I ask, in a way that it almost sounds like I am pleading that he isn't really asking me to marry him while everything up in the air crazy and us laying in a warm tub with bubbles all around us. Not might idea of a great way to ask someone to marry you, but this is Logan I'm talking about, nothing he does is normal.

 He gets out of the tub, dripping wet, his body hard and edge, tattoos tatter his body in different areas, some of them cover scars from past fights. His man hood out for me to see and to see how hard it is becoming, no doubt from the excitement of asking me to marry him and on the edge of find out if I'll agree or not, in this moment of us being alone, on our side of the house, in the walls that keep us safe from the world outside. He kneels out, taking my hand in his. "Ally, you are the love of my life. You're the only one for me, you are my light and I am your knight, not your white knight be any means, thanks to the way that I live. But your knight none the less. You know I will fight by your side, keep you safe and loved, just like I will, with our children. I want us to be together forever and die by your side, in some bed in our home, holding hands, as we say our last words of love for one another. Will you please marry me and make me the damnest happy man in the world?"

My heart pounds crazy in my chest, the blood roaring in my ears and just for the split of seconds, I consider of saying no, just out of fear, that my dreams for this moment and for our future will shatter. "Yes I'll marry you!" I hold out my arm still in the tub and wrap it around his neck, as he slips the ring on my finger, so I can wrap both arms around him, and he can wrap both arms around me and pull me out of the water that has now gone cold.

"I have a perfect idea to celebrate this moment." He says seductively.

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