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Two sisters' hair billowed in the wind as the ship hit waves at a fast pace. Their blonde hair curled and tangled but they still grinned ear to ear. They looked at each other as soon as they saw it, the castle in the distance. Grandma and Grandpa, Uncle Leo, and Aunt Regina would be there waiting.

It wasn't very often that the two girls got to see all of their family, so excitement always struck them when the opportunity came. While they loved the adventures that their parents would take them on, a change of scenery was always pleasant. 

The two girls were very close in age, just two years apart. Both girls were nearly identical, with blonde hair like their mother and shining blue eyes that matched the lightest color of the sea- their father's eyes. 

Hope was the oldest at six years old. She was named after what had carried her mother through the most trying times of her life. Hope had brought her mother home and had created a new meaning of family. Hope was quiet and reserved, she liked to spend time drawing by herself or diving into a new book. She was very knowledgeable for her young age, she enjoyed stating random facts and proving that she knew more than everyone. 

The youngest girl, Alice, was quite the opposite of Hope. She was only four, but she was loud, rambunctious, and quite the social butterfly. Alice's imagination is like no other, she has invisible friends that follow her everywhere, and claims that they travel to exciting worlds when she goes to sleep- worlds of vibrant colors, magic potions, and talking caterpillars. Alice was named after her father's mother, who was just as bright and creative as the young girl.

Emma and Killian were beyond proud of their two daughters, they were more than anything they could've hoped for. Hope and Alice brought so much light and joy into their lives and the lives of their entire family. It wasn't very often that the girls got to see their whole family, the Jones family liked to stay busy on their sea-faring adventures and save the realm whenever there was time. 

Today was a special day. After ten years, peace was made between two kingdoms. After the confrontation between Emma's Family and Regina, it was time for change to be made. It took many years for "The Evil Queen" to gain back her kingdom's trust, and the trust of the other kingdoms but with the help of Emma and their son, they were able to make things right. It turns out that Regina is a very charitable and understanding person, she has dealt with pain and has lived two different lives for most of her life, so once she gained her people's forgiveness it was rather easy to continue fixing her reputation. She was finally able to relate with her people and open her heart to more than just herself. Today, Regina was being crowned "The Good Queen" by Snow White herself, uniting the two kingdoms in an unbreakable alliance. An alliance that was formed through family and hope.

The only problem was, they were late. 

As usual.

Emma and Killian over the years have only gained the reputation from their family for being late. The two of them just too lost in their own world together to realize the rest of the world around them. But to them, they wouldn't have it any other way. They were happy, they had a strong marriage and two wonderful kids. They have spent the last ten years adventuring and living and loving every second. 

Killian steps away from the helm to sneak behind his girls. He goes unnoticed by Hope and Alice until he is grabbing both their sides, tickling them as he brings them into his arms. 

"How are my two precious guppies doing up here?" He asks playfully before pecking each of their cheeks. The girls giggle and squirm in their father's grip.

"We are excited!" Hope laughs.

"What are you most excited about?" Killian responds.

"We get to see Henry!" Hope exclaims.

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