Chapter 11

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"It's going to be difficult finding the crew again, hopefully, they've found the squid," Emma said.

"I have an idea of where they might be, but if all else fails we can always meet them back at the ship, eventually." Hook stated. "Besides, I don't know if my revenge is what I need anymore." He continued looking to his feet.

"And why is that?" she asked trying to keep up her pace with his long strides.

"I've found something I was missing for a while." He paused taking in a deep breath. "Someone to care for."

"As long as you live in the past, you will never find your future, I guess." She replied blushing, looking up to him as he smiled.

"I know we haven't known each other very long, but I've never experienced the feelings I have now, for you. There's something different, and I'm not one to admit these things." He laughed. "I know it hasn't been long since we've known each other, but I feel like we've known each other for many years."

"I'm too scared too fully be on board with all this," she paused motioning her arms toward him. "But I feel the same way, and I'm willing to work on my fear. And You're starting to sound like my parents." Emma laughed.

"Oh yes, Snow White and Prince Charming, correct? You're quite different from them aren't you, love?"

"I didn't always use to be, I used to believe in adventure and true love just like they did until nothing seemed real. What they had was a fairy tale that I could never have. I always looked up to them and wanted everything they had until they wouldn't let me travel and then began to force me to marry someone I've never even met just for the sake of the kingdom, I'd never thought they would do that to me. I guess I'm just not as optimistic." Emma said looking to her hands, rubbing them anxiously.

"Everything always turns out in a way you don't expect. I'm sure they weren't trying to hurt you, or take away your decisions. But I'm glad you came along in the tavern that one night. The crew and I probably wouldn't have made it out of Neverland without you." He said. Emma smiled and nodded her head.

For a long while, the two of them kept very quiet walking through the endless forest. They walked very close and every chance Hook got he would brush his right hand against the outside of her left one. Hook watched as Emma cut think shrubbery with her sword with such ease, to him she was truly fascinating. She didn't need anyone, she learned to hold herself together, and she accepted that as her fairy tale ending. She had walls that kept people out, just for the sake of protecting herself. He was determined to break them down. Emma was everything, smart, beautiful, talented, and driven, that's what Hook liked about her. Ever since she came into the bar begging to be a part of the crew, she never left his mind. Ever since she came into his life his future plan of defeating the Dark One was a blur, as if it was going out of existence and something else was filling its place. Hook smiled, knowing that something good was finally coming to him. His luck was finally turning good, no longer all bad. The darkness in his heart was disappearing to make room for something else, love.

"I see lanterns up ahead," Emma said to Hook, bringing him out of his thoughts of her. To him however, the reality was much better.

"Aye, I believe that's them." He replied, "Let's catch up." As he said this Emma and him sped up their pace to a jog to reach the crew. Breaking out of the shrubbery and onto the beach was something they were both waiting anxiously for. 

"Mates! Look! It's the Cap'! The young lass really could do it after all." They heard one of the crew members yell, Emma believed his name was Bernard or Bradwell, something along with the sorts. 

"How could you ever doubt her?" Hook asked sounding surprised. "She's done more for us in the last few months than you ever have Bernard." Bernard looked down in shame.

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