Chapter 16

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Things aboard the Jolly Roger weren't as jolly as they had once been when a little blonde princess had been aboard. The ship's captain was all tied up in his thoughts about the princess, Emma. Killian wasn't sure if he should go after her to find her to be married to a prince. He just couldn't get her out of his head. Her precious laugh, gracious smile, and emerald eyes were just the beginning of what he couldn't stop thinking about. Her courage, open-heartedness,  and stubbornness also being part of it. Emma was unlike any other woman that he had met before, she was given every possible luxury, and yet she only wished to be loved, a commoner, and maybe even a little adventurer. 

Killian had returned to his bad habit of drinking in the few weeks that she had been gone. He would drink and drink and drink until he could barely remember her name. But every time a woman would throw herself at Killian, he would refuse even though his past self would've been glad to bring her into his bed. The nights would only get darker, and just when he is about to forget her through his rum, a crew member would always have to ruin it.

"I wonder how miss stubborn is doing up in her castle," Smee said rudely one night. Or it may have sounded rude to Killian because of the drinks he's had, Smee had only said it as a remark. 

"Do not speak of her," Killian had responded in a low growl.

"I did not mean anything by it Capt'n, only wish she would contact us every once in a while," he said before taking a big breath. "Heck, I would take her stubborn self back every day because she was at least kind, fun and kept your egocentric ass in an impeccable mood." Smee finished taking a large drink from his mug.

"Maybe I wouldn't act so egocentric if people would ever act with some decency," Killian said before scooting back his chair and standing up in a hurry. He left the bar without another glance and headed back to the Jolly Roger. 

When Killian made it aboard his ship he went straight to his quarters. He fell onto his bed and let his mind wander, he was a little tipsy from his drinks, but that didn't alter his common sense. What he said to Smee wasn't true, it was true that people rarely showed any decency in any situation, but Killian wasn't "egocentric" because of that. He had honestly liked to be remembered and above others, he liked wealth and the idea of being the most known pirate in all of the realms. Emma, however, had made him want to give all of that up. That's when he realized that he wasn't going to leave her alone, he was going to go after her. If Killian had made it to her and she had married that buffoon of a prince he would still go after her until his last days. Killian wanted her to know that she wasn't alone and that there are people out in the world that loved and cared for her just as she is. Killian wanted to rescue her so they could go on more adventures, but more importantly, he wanted to rescue her so she could be herself.

Killian shot up from his bed and headed for the deck, he was going to tell the crew to get ready, they were going on another journey. As soon as he got on deck, a messenger bird sat upon the hull of the ship, a piece of parchment wrapped on his ankle. Killian hurriedly went over to the bird and claimed the message. It was from Emma, his beloved Emma. He had spent such little time with her, but the time he had spent, he had known that this was the woman that he wanted to spend the rest of his days with. He had read her beautiful handwriting over and over again, memorizing each flourish and accent, but more importantly paying close attention to her plan.

"Always one step ahead of me, Swan," he chuckled as he analyzed the details of her plan. Emma's plan was quite basic, but at least she was trying. His crew would make it work. This gave him another reason to go gather his crew and to prepare them for another adventure that would hopefully lead them to many more.


Emma still remained up in her room each day awaiting the wedding, only 4 more days. Samuel was visiting more frequently as Emma had informed him of her plan, and he was willing to help however he could. Emma was so grateful for him and his kindness now and over the last couple of years. She had informed him of her past dalliances with the infamous Bealfire and her visits with Queen Elsa, and of her recent adventures with the well known Captain Hook, that she had unexpectedly fallen in love with.

"Thank you for listening, Samuel, you are the first to do so. How can I repay you for your kindness and help in this ridiculous plan?" Emma had expressed her concern.

"Emma, I'm pretty sure it is my job to listen to your royal complaints," he laughed, but then more seriously continued, "I'm really glad you trust me with the acts of your past, and I want to help you in any way I can, your family has shown me and my family nothing but kindness for many many years. However, you were right the other day when you said this wasn't the life I wanted to live. You and I are very similar in that fact, that is why I want to help you, so maybe you can help me by taking me with you."

"And be a pirate?" Emma laughed. 

"Maybe, but to also experience other things that the world has to offer. I know nothing outside of these palace walls, working here and making a good salary can mean nothing if I never get the chance to actually leave." Samuel said.

"Sam, we are very much alike then. Trapped. I will help you, and I'm sure that Captain Hook will be glad to have your hard-working self as part of the crew until you find your calling," Emma smiled.

"Thank you, Princess, I hope we can both find our dreams after this wedding," Samuel said.

"Me too." 

"I better get back to my duties, so it doesn't look like I'm actually up to something. My mother can be quite frightening," he said laughing once more.

"Of course. Goodnight, Sam. I'm glad we are able to help each other," Emma said appreciating his light and humorous personality. Samuel always seemed to find the good and the hope in everything he was around. With his attitude and Emma's determination, she was sure that they would be successful. 

Emma stepped out onto the balcony that was connected to her room, now barred up so she couldn't escape from it again. She glanced up to the sky, the sky she believes to hold so much truth and secrets of the future. Last week the sky had been so dark, unwelcoming, and cold, as she looked up to it now a small group of stars could be seen over the waters. It was just one tiny cluster, but to Emma, it continued to hold her steady and told her that hope was on its way.

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