Chapter 3

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The Jolly Roger was a beautifully made ship, it had to have been an old royal navy ship back in the day. It was large and met the needs of every pirate on board. There was a room full of hammocks, clothing, cases, and bottles where each member of the crew stayed. A small closet was used as a loo and washroom. There was even an area where it looked like everyone would dine and play games as there were cards splayed across a long table, unclean china plates, a little stove with brass pots placed above it and cupboards filled with spices, fruits, and dried meats along with barrels of water. This wasn't bad at all, Emma could've made it out way worse. She followed Hook endlessly, black leather, eyeliner and all, through the secret passages and unnecessary places among the Jolly Roger. He was enjoying this, and when he wasn't drinking his humor and conversation was quite pleasant.

"Now this is my quarters, and this," Hook said leading Emma down another set of stairs into an open room where there was a large bed propped in the left corner, a desk covered in paper maps and rum bottles, chests full of books and papers spilled out across the floor throughout, and a closet wide open with his array of black buttoned shirts, black leather pants, and of course, black leather jackets. They walked straight through his quarters, it seemed as if Hook didn't want to dwell upon the mess for too long, his room was conjoined with another that was almost an exact mirror of his yet, cleaner. "This is where you'll be staying." He continued.

"Thank you." Is all Emma could say to him, this was definitely more than she could've asked for, especially from a pirate.

"Now, about tonight," he said suddenly, instantly changing the mood of what was a very delightful tour. "What room would you like to use, Swan?" Hook asks with his signature smile and a raise of an eyebrow.

"Neither," Emma said, glaring.

"But we had a deal!" Hook argued, he pouted a little. He was still a little drunk.

"You are still drunk," Emma said to him looking down trying to figure out a way to get out of this. She really didn't think this one trough enough. As she looked down she saw her belt where she strung the bag of gold and jewels before she left, this would have to do. Hopefully, she wouldn't get kicked off this ship any time soon, Emma may need that for an emergency. But this might as well be one, she unhooked it and held it out to Hook. "Here." She tossed it to him," stolen from the Princess." She lied.

Hook sighed. "Very well, I better be on deck. Make yourself comfortable." As soon as he left the room Emma began to look around.

The room was practically bare except for a bed, a desk under the small hexagonal window and an old chest sitting alone in the corner. She walked to the chest and opened it up. The hinges creaked as a bunch of dust escaped the chest. It was filled to the top with journals. They all had leather bindings and yellow paper that crackled with every movement. These haven't been touched in years. The one on the top looked the oldest, but it had been touched rather recently. Emma decided to look inside. She opened up the book and it was written in beautiful cursive. The first name that appeared was Liam,  halfway through the first page.

I'm not the type to keep a journal, but why not start now before the beginning of a life-changing adventure. My world had changed rather quickly in these last few weeks. My dear brother Liam has just taken me as Lieutenant on the Jewel of the Realm, I will serve beside him on any task that the royal navy sends us on. This has always been my dream, to go on an adventure. I hope that one day I can be Captain Jones, Killian Jones, like my brother.

Emma wondered how old these were. She skipped a few pages and read on.

Dreamshade, bloody Dreamshade. The plant the King sent us after was poison. Liam was cut by the plant. A demon on the island that went by Peter Pan told us he could save him but for a price, but we didn't know what he meant as a 'price,' all I wanted to do was save my brother, I would do anything, I would've paid any price! It turns out Liam would've lived but there was a catch, he couldn't leave the island. We left the next day and my dear brother had been plagued with the poison once again as the magic from Neverland had left our systems. Liam died in my arms.

Emma wondered who this Killian Jones was. She flipped through the pages and words that she had heard so many times like beautiful, true love, my love was on every page. She stopped and read the last entry.

Being a pirate is, difficult. Always being somewhere new, new challenges, but that was never enough for me. I became a pirate after my brother died only because I thought something better would come out of it, at first I hoped to get revenge on the royal crown for my brother's death, but that changed into something else. Milah was that something. Our love was so strong and so true. Only if she wasn't married to that coward of a Crocodile!
We were leaving, we were going to live happily ever after, we only went back to get Milah's son, Baelfire. But Milah's husband was the Dark One, and once he knew of our plans to take his son, he got so angry, that he came and found us. He put up a great fight but it was one that we never could've won. He ripped her heart out and crushed it. I did all of could to save her but he had trapped me with his power and he cut off my left hand. Everything I have ever loved has been taken from me.

That was weeks ago, the memory still haunts me. My hand is gone, I've had to figure out a new way of doing things. Smee had recommended a hook, at least its better than a bloody stump. I hoped that in writing this some of my pain would disappear. Nothing in my life has ever gone right though, it is really no surprise that this isn't helping. Tomorrow I journey to Neverland where the crew will help me seek my revenge. I will no longer be known as Killian Jones but as Captain Hook. Everyone should fear me.

Emma was shocked. These journals belonged to the man just above deck. His language much changed and his purpose. It seems as if he has been after this for many years, there were dozens of journals in this chest, all with the same beautiful handwriting. Emma almost felt bad for the man that was trapped within the pages of these journals. He seemed well educated, very compassionate, and only wanted the best for his life and those who were apart of his life. However, three things stood out to Emma.
1. Captain Hook is Killian Jones
2. Neverland
3. Baelfire

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