Chapter 6: Knocks You Down!

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"So?" Michael said. "What you want to do today?"

"Tehe," I giggled. "I don't know, what do you want to do today?"

"Well," He said sitting up. "It's such a beautiful day, why don't we go out and hang a bit, sound good to you?"

"Ehh," I shrugged. "Sure why not, I just have to get ready first. You know do my hair and find what type of outfit I'ma need to wear."

"Cool," He said. "I think I'ma go changed outta these clothes too."

"Want to meet me in the shower?" I asked.

"Ooo," He giggled. "Do you think you're ready to see all of this?"

I laughed, "I've already seen all of it before."

"Hahaha," He laughed. "I guess."

"Hey don't use my word," I smiled pointing a finger at him.

"Why?" He laughed.

"Cause I'm the one who uses it the most."

"Now that's not true." He rolled his eyes.

"It is so," I argued like a preschooler.

"Is not," He argued back mimicking my action.

"How would you know," I squinted at him.

"Because I know," He told me. "Got a problem."

"What you saying," I asked. "You want to fight."

"Listen little girl," He told me laughing. "You wouldn't want to fight this, I'm all man and I may hurt you."

"Oh please," I looked him up and down getting up. "You look like a string bean."

"Really a string bean," He shook his head.

"I'm not good with name calling." I told him.

"Now that's true and I should know you don't fight much." He told me.

"I know but I fight much." I brushed the hair from my face.

"Yea, yea, yea," he rolled his eyes. "Whatever you say."

"What does that suppose to mean."

"That just means, whatever chic." He hit me in the face with a pillow.

"Hey!" I yelled laughing. I took a pillow and tried to hit him with it but he blocked it with his hand and grabbed my waist and held me against him thrashing me down on some pillows. "Hey tehehe, stop," I giggled as he held me down. I struggled to get free as his grip stayed on there strong. " You give up yet?" He asked me.

"Bite me bitch," I spat. He shrugged his shoulders and said, "Ok," He leaned in over as I started to kick and scream yelling, "No wait." But he didn't listen to me even though it was all up in his ear. He licked my neck getting it nice and wet so it would feel good when he bit me. His warm wet tongue mad me feel so good against my cold neck. When he went in deep and bit my neck I screamed and yelled as I banged on his chest. He held me close to him as he sat me up from the bed. His teeth sunk into my neck deeper as he bit harder and I screamed louder. "Ok ok stop it burns, no ow," I giggled. "Ahh you win,"

" You gonna stop?" He asked stopping.

"Yes," I sighed.

" Then say you're sorry," He told me.

"Why?" I glared at him.

"I could start the bitting again." He said. Then opening his mouth up licking the sore part of my neck. "NO!" I screamed. "No please, I give up... I'm sorry ok."

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