Chapter 5: Nothing

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“It’s okay,” Tasia petted my head as I cried on her lap.

His crib…

“I just can’t understand her Chris,” Tyga shook his head talking to Chris Brown. “It’s like she getting moody now.”

My house…

          “It’s like he didn’t even care when I literally got thrown out of the book store when clearly some chic started the fight with me.” I sniffed.

His Crib…

          “Man,” Chris sighed. “Just forget about if they moody like that leave them alone for a while. That’s too much drama if a girl is getting mad at you for no reason.”

My House…

          “Girl maybe he didn’t see you and ha having the fight,” Tasia assumed. “Maybe his music was so loud he couldn’t hear you.”

His Crib…

          “Naw man it feels like I need to go over there to go straighten everything out and find out what I did.” Tyga scratched the back of his head.

My house…

          “Maybe I should just say sorry to him,” I said. “It makes more sense. And plus I guess I was going off for no particular reason.”

His Crib…

          “Go do what you gotta do man,” Chris told him.

          “I will,” He nodded. Then he got up from where he sat and grabbed his car keys. He ran outside and jumped in to his car. He put the key into the ignition and drove off to my house.

My house…

          “Call him,” Tasia told me.

          “I will,” I nodded. I grabbed the phone and called him up. I put the phone to my ear and heard it ringing. It rang for like 4 times and then he picked up, “Hello?” I smiled when I heard his voice. I sighed, “Hey Tyga, it’s me Chichi.”

          “Oh hey baby what’s up?” He said to me.

          I giggled, “Oh nothing I just wanted to ask if you could come over so we can straighten out what happen yesterday?”

          “Funny you mention that,” He chuckled. “I’m just coming over there right now to straighten this out.”

          “Really,” I perked up. “Wow small world I guess.”

          “Yeah,” He agreed. “I guess so too.”

          “Well,” I sighed. “Can’t wait for you to be here,”

          “Can’t wait to get there,” He said.

          “I’ma make sure I have something special cooked for your arrival.”

          “Oh baby you don’t gotta do that. I could pick up some Chinese food or Pizza if you like?”

          “Boy don’t be silly, you know there ain’t nothing better than home cooking.”

          “Well okay Chichi, I gotta go but you call me if you want me to bring Chinese food or something.”

          “Alright,” I nodded.

          “I’ll be over there soon as possible,”

          “Okay, bye,” I giggled.

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