Catching Up

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"So what are you doing here?" I asked pulling away but still holding his hands. 

"Oh I’m getting ready for my bro wedding," He told me. "This is the fourth suit I’m trying on and I'm wondering if he'll like this one."

"You picked it or he did?" I asked looking up and down at the suit. He was wearing red and white... ugh last time I checked Asauny Jason Wilson Did Not Like the Color Red. 

"Of course he picked it, do I look like I like this color." He told me looking down at his attire. 

"Aha I knew it couldn’t be you." I laughed. 

"Yea but what are you doing here?" He asked me. 

"Um I'm getting ready for my wedding." I told him. 

"Or you’re getting married?" His eyes popped up.

"Yea," I nodded. 

"To who," He wondered

"Um Michael," I giggled

"The Rapper Tyga Michael Stevenson," He asked raising a brow.


"Damn y’all were that close together." 

"Never broke up that’s for sure." 

"Wow," He shook his head. "That’s crazy long cause we were like kids when you guys met right." 

"We were like ten." I giggled. "Only like 13 fourteen years ago." 

"Damn." He scratched the back of his head. 

"Yea I know." 

"Who would have known my ex would be going out with my bro." He laughed. 

"Yea who would have knew that I would be getting married to my best friend." 

"Me." He raised his hand like class was in session. 

"Really," I said.

"There was a 50 percent chance you guys were going to be together in the future." He explained. "And after Alison between you and me there was an 80 percent chance you and I were going to at least see each other again." 

"Speaking of Alison how is she?" I asked wondering about my little girl. 

"She good, she got bigger that’s for sure." 

"What grade is she in?" I wondered.

"She skipped two grades so she's in 5th grade." 

"Dead ass," I was amazed my baby skipped two grades. "You lying she did." 

"Yup," He nodded. "The teachers said she doesn't deserve to be in 3rd grade and 4th grade test was too easy for her so they skipped her right on to fifth." 

"So after second grade they decided the work was way too easy?" 

"Yea, It’s crazy because she could of been in middle school already but she wants to at least graduate with a few friends." 

"Tehe, that’s my little Alison I guess." I sighed imagining how much she had grown. "So where is my little bundle of joy?" 

"With grandma," 

"Oh really,"

"YUP :)," 

"So is your mom mad at me." 

"About what" 

"About the fact how I walked out on you guys." 

"Uh a little, she was about to get rid of Alison and everything but then I had to calm her down and stop her." He told me. "I told her the reason why you walked out and shit. Although she was still pissed she kept Alison and after a while grown to like her grandchild." 

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