Sleepless Thoughts

Start from the beginning

He moves to hold the bag but I dismiss him, doing this solo. I take a few air punches, a deep breath, and basically smack the crap out of the bag with perfect strength.

"Wow, I said to try, not to throw out your anger at the poor thing."

I roll my eyes and share the same smirk that is on his lips.

His pretty good looking lips.

I divert my eyes before he can notice where my eyes involuntarily went.

As I pass him, I pat his shoulder. "Alright buddy, continue working out I'll do my own."

His hand lands on my hips to stop me from passing him.

It works. Along with a load of butterflies.

I look him in the eye.
"Who said we were done yet? Practice more with me."

His hands were still on me. "You don't need the practice."

I take a step back and his hand falls from my hip. I see the slightest look of disappointment as his eyes narrow but I let myself think I'm being delusional and making it up.
"Neither do you, Natalie. I just wanna spend my workout ruining yours." Lucas gives me a handsome smile full of mischief and I roll my eyes but play a few rounds of boxing before calling it a day.

As I'm getting my gym bag and packing, I then around to say bye to Lucas.

Lucas' back was towards me. I see him walking around the ring taking his black compression shirt off to reveal a black fitted tank that outlines just how toned he really is.

Sleeper build at its finest.

I continue staring. His head turns back to me and I don't even bother looking away, knowing I got caught.

"See you later, Rodriguez."
12:30 am

I can't stop tossing and turning and apparently I wake up screaming, according to Grace.

"Hey, you're up now, you're up", Grace says completely backed up from me probably because I was screaming.

She signals at the water by my nightstand but my heart is beating so fast I can't even move my hand to grab it.

After a few minutes of silence she asks,
"Do you want to talk about it? Seemed intense."

"No, I don't wanna do anything", I say closing my eyes and trying to catch my breath .

She reaches for me but I flinch. I didn't mean to, but I guess my body has its own mind for now.

After a bit she leaves and I'm resting, sitting on the edge of the side of the bed for a few minutes until I hear a knock.

I sit on the other side of my bed, my back facing my door.

"Grace I'm fine."

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