Chapter 1: Dive into the Heart

Start from the beginning

Devon: No.

He then walks toward the Staff and picks it up.

???: The Power of Mystic. Inner Strength. Untold Wisdom. A staff of Wonder and Ruin. You wish to give up this power?

Devon: Yes.

Just like the sword, the staff vanished in Devon's hands in a flash of light, only this time the color was red instead of blue. As soon as the light vanished, the voice spoke.

???: You've chosen the Power of Strength. You wish to give up the Power of Mystic. Is this the form you choose?

Devon: Yes. I do.

Upon finishing his statement, all three pedestals collapsed upon themselves and vanished from sight. Devon looked around himself to see what was happening, the platform began to crumble away at an enormously fast pace. Before he could react, the space beneath Devon's feet disappeared and he fell into the dark abyss below.

As he descended through the darkness, Devon took notice of another platform that was rapidly approaching him from the depths of the darkness. This one portrayed Cinderella.

Upon landing on the platform, Devon's right-hand flashed in a white light and the sword appeared in his Right-hand. Devon swung the sword a few times to adjust to the weapon. As he did, the mysterious voice spoke to him.

???: You've gained the power to fight. There will be times where you will have to fight. Keep your light burning strong.

As soon as this was being said, several strange-looking creatures rose up from the platform. They were completely black with big yellow eyes, but they apparently only about a foot and a half tall.

The strange creatures began to jump at him from different angles. Reacting on instinct, Devon blocked the oncoming attacks with the sword and countered with a swift blow. As soon as he had struck the creature, it vanished in a puff of black smoke.

Devon saw all the other creatures melt away into the darkness on the platform. What he didn't notice was that some of the creatures sneaking up from behind him. The voice cried out in warning.

???: Watch out!

Devon spun around just time to see the creatures beginning to attack. But then he felt an odd feeling that seemed to warn him something else from behind. Getting into a defensive sword stance, Devon turned around and saw that he was completely surround at all angles by the creatures.

One of the dark creatures leapt at Devon and he vanquished it with a downward diagonal slash. Another one of the dark creatures leapt at the boy, but he quickly turns and slices it into oblivion with a horizontal slash. A third creature leaps at him, but Devon thrusts his sword at it, stabbing the dark monster straight through it's head, making it disappear in a puff of black smoke

Upon defeating the dark creatures, Devon turns toward the last remaining one. But the dark creature does something unexpected. The dark creature sank into the platform and started to spread a cloak of darkness around itself. This darkness spread across the whole platform. The darkness soon reached Devon and his feet sank into the darkness like quicksand. Devon was being dragged into the darkness from his feet. Soon, Devon was completely pulled into the darkness.

Upon regaining consciousness, Devon found himself lying on his back on another new platform. This platform had Snow Whte and the Seven Dwarves on it. Devon rose to his feet and quickly noticed a brass colored door on the opposite side of the platform. He walked up and examined the door. The door soon changed colors. It was now a golden shade of color. The door began to open slowly with bright light which loomed from the inside as Devon slowly approached it.

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