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Verity's POV

I was wrong. About more things than one. 

First thing I was wrong about, me never being wrong. It really seems silly when I think about it now. 

Another thing I was wrong about, things never changing. 

Things have changed a lot. For better and for worse. 

I mean, I have the kind of condition with which I never know when I might die. But I was told I was supposed to be dead years ago, so who knows? I may be able to still hold on for quite some time. 

Yeah, there is still no cure for fatal insomnia. A research is being done which I'm about to be a part of but who knows if it will have any success. 

But there is one thing that's really good about all of this. While I was still hospitalized, dad visited me a few times. He didn't say anything but he was there anyway, showing in his own way that he still cares after everything that happened. 

And since coming home, he's been there more and he's been able to act normally around me and Missy so there is hope that things will eventually get better and he'll be able to get out of that black hole he's been in since mom's death. 

I was also wrong about the fact that there is nothing that can surprise me anymore. I basically already had the whole story in my mind and how it will play out. Well, not my story. 

Either way, the story didn't involve Lucas and Daniel being with us at each step. Nor did it have me being able to trust Lucas. For him to love me and for me to fall in love with him. I wasn't even in the story. 

The four of us are still kind of an outside circle at school and most people still don't like us all that much. Some things aren't as easily fixable. But that's not as important right now. 

For the longest time in my life, I had no future. Not that I literally had no future but I was just unable to look ahead. Seeing my past, it was way too hard for me to look anywhere farther than to the next few days, never being able to as much as imagine having any future. There was always just empty space I was trying to ignore. 

When you think about it, it's kind of ironic that I only learnt to be able to look ahead after being told that I might literally have no future. But I may still have a little bit of time ahead and I want to use that as wisely as possible. It motivates me to want to live more, to live better than before. 

I'm still worried about Missy and Lucas above anything else. This time, I was able to wake up but who knows how much time there is still left for me. My promise to them that they would never lose me is obviously no longer entirely valid and that is not so easy to accept for them or for me. 

But maybe Missy will be fine. I know that it would be a huge blow for her to lose me as well but at least she has Daniel now and I believe I can rely on him to take care of Missy, to help her want to live her life again. 

I'm much more concerned about Lucas at the moment though. I don't want history to repeat itself. I don't want him to end up like our dad did. But seeing that things are slowly getting better with him as well, there might still be some hope. 

So far, he has shown me the kind of devotion that makes me quite worry but I've finally come to understand that it's already too late to keep him away from me. 

All in all, despite everything that has happened over the recent weeks, I'm finally starting to realize that perhaps dreams do actually matter. 

If they didn't, I doubt I would be here now. 

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