Girl Meets Father

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Verity's POV

The school dance is coming up. You can hear everyone talk about it everywhere you go.

Girls plan on going shopping and what dress they will be wearing, dreaming of being asked out, and planning the perfect night.

If only my life was that simple, if only the my biggest worry was about getting a nice dress and wondering who I would go with to some dance. 

But it's pointless to wish for something I will never have. I just have to learn to be content with what I do have, even if it's not a lot. 

In the classroom

Mr. Matthews hands out the tests about Darwin. As soon as me and Missy get our tests, we look down at them. After seeing that we both got an A with the same number of points, we smile and high five each other.

"This is great! Today after we get home we should have the ceremony of pinning down our test on the wall in our room." 

"We totally should!" Missy cheers.

That's what we always do. We always do something special for even the smallest achievements and celebrate it somehow to motivate each other to keep on working hard. We do not have anyone else to do that for us, but it doesn't matter, because at least we have each other.

Mr. Matthews seems to be angry at Riley by the way he's glaring at her. If I were to take a guess, I would assume that it has something to do with the dance and how Riley chose to go to the dance over something with her father.

Honestly, Riley takes so many things for granted. Many people in this world would like to have what she has and they would be really grateful for it, but cannot because it is impossible for them. And she has everything, but doesn't realize how much she has.

Me and Missy only have each other. Having Missy as my twin sister is the only good thing that has ever happened to me. It's the only piece of happiness I hold.

Maya then storms out of the classroom, saying that Mr. Matthews failed her, and Riley follows closely behind.

I just don't get this. Of course, getting an F can be quite discouraging, but I don't think Mr. Matthews seriously considers Maya a failure. It's not as bad as when people say bad things about you straight to your face or when they talk bad about you despite knowing that you can hear them or especially because they know that you can hear them. That happens to me and Missy all the time.

At home

"So I suppose we're not going to the dance?" I ask Missy.

"You know, there's nothing bad about the dance, it's just that, I cannot see any point in going there, nobody would want to dance with us anyway."

"You're right, I think I'll just go practice at the ice rink."

"Oh, since it's Friday, I don' have any ballet classes. I can come with you and watch you practice if you do not mind," she suggests.

"Of course I do not mind, you are welcome to come anytime you wish."

"By the way, how was the wedding you were playing at today?"

"You know I love every wedding I play at." It's true. I do, I really do. I've been playing violin  at weddings for a few years to make some money, since not many people would give a thirteen-year-old a part-time job. And I love that I get to watch all these weddings, all these people be happy. In fact, watching other people being happy is one of my favorite things to do, but it also kinda hurts. Because that's yet another thing I know I will never have.

A/N Please, let me know in the comments how you like the book so far and if anyone want me to continue.

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