Girl Meets Gravity

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Verity's POV

Summer is over and it's now the new school year. 

The summer break was OK, I guess. I didn't have to see people giving my twin sister bad looks every time they passed by us and I had more time for things I like doing. I spent a lot of time on practices and performing, too. The bad thing: Because there was more time, we had far too many opportunities to be at home, and I like to avoid that.

I'm not overly excited to start a new school year. I don't think this year will change anything. I'm well past hoping for that. Of course, it would be nice to be wrong for once, but I know that I'm almost never wrong about those things. 

Missy enters the classroom, as I follow closely behind. Upon walking through the door, Missy abruptly stops and turns to me.

I just look at her questioningly, while she whispers, "We have a new teacher."

My eyes widen a bit as we walk in to take our usual seats. 

Our new teacher introduces himself to start a lesson, "Hello, students. My name is Mr. Martinez and I am your History teacher for the year. I hope I will teach you a lot and show you many new things."

Missy smiles happily while looking at him and I do the same. He seems like a good teacher. Maybe he will not be one of those people who are influenced by what others say about us and finally pay attention to us.

It's not that I do not like the way Mr. Matthews teaches. Maybe he would be different if he taught some other class, with students who are not his daughter or her friends, but with the way things are, he rarely notices that lesson involves someone besides them. It's not so fun when that happens every time.

Suddenly, the smile on my face freezes as I realize something. It is not going to be like this, it's just too good for us. But it wasn't supposed to be. In a second I know what's gonna happen in a few moments. The gang will enter the classroom, Riley and Maya will make big deal about Mr. Martinez, act all crazy about him, eventually drive him away, then be upset that Mr. Matthews will be our teacher again and so it will go on.

As soon as this thought crosses my mind, things go exactly as I expected. Riley and her friends come into the classroom. Lucas and Farkle walk to their seats and Riley and Maya cover their eyes, hoping that the teacher will not be Mr. Matthews. When they see Mr. Martinez standing in the front of the classroom, they put their hands over their eyes again. Upon uncovering them, Riley shouts an excited 'Yaay!'

Mr. Martinez looks at them confused, he was definitely not prepared for this. "Girls, take a seat."

But instead of the two of them actually taking their own seats, they jump on his desk. I'm not going to pretend like I get their way of thinking entirely, but if there was a moment I REALLY questioned their behavior, it's right now. Though I shouldn't be surprised, I have seen them do far too many weird things. 

"Your seats,"Mr. Martinez specifies. He's not used to students acting like this, but then, who is?

Riley and Maya return to their seats. 

"Yeah, okay, let's get started. Belgium, 1831." After hearing this, Farkle shouts, "Yaay!"

I sigh, counting down the minutes, maybe not even that, before Mr. Martinez loses it and runs out of this place. 

The two girls stand up and slowly move closer to Mr. Martinez to touch him. I'm not gonna lie, I really don't get what they're trying to do. 

Mr. Martinez shouts at them to get them to return to their seats. 

"You two strike me as a couple of girls who are used to special treatment." Yeah, mildly speaking. "I don't know who your last teacher was, but I don't do that." 

"Farkle time, sir?" Farkle asks. 

"Go ahead, kid, you gotta Farkle, you gotta Farkle."

"No, this is where he takes over the class," Lucas corrects him.

"Oh. He takes over the class, you just talk without raising your hand and these two just do whatever they want?" Mr. Martinez tries to make sure of what he saw, probably not believing his eye sight at this moment. 

To this, Lucas replies with a yes, raising his hand this time. 

"You know what? I wanted to make a difference. I wanted to shape young minds. I wanted to dedicate my entire life to being an influential person who commands respect!" But it isn't until Riley actually touches his nose that he really loses is and shouts, "I quit!" Not like this could have ended any other way.

To no surprise, Mr. Matthews enters the class and Riley yells, "I can't believe you're gonna be my father again!"

Doesn't she get it? She should be grateful for what she has because many people don't have nearly as much. If she keeps it going this way, she might as well lose what she has at any moment and it will be given to someone else. 

When I was a child, I used to complain about the things I had, too. My mom would always tell me, that there are literally billions of people in this world who don't even have a fraction of what we do. That if I am not grateful enough for what I have, the moment that I will lose all of it is going to come before I know, and someone else will get what I have now, someone who will appreciate it more.

And in the end, I did lose almost everything that one could lose. Now I don't have much left, but I always make sure to remember to appreciate even the smallest things in my life. I already learnt my lesson and paid my price for not appreciating things. And I would hate to see that happen to someone else too. 

Riley and Maya walk out of the classroom victoriously with a transfer slip each in their hand. 

But wherever they go now, they won't remain there for a long time. Five minutes at max. They are not used to not being the center of attention, the way the rest of us are. Besides, it's not like this lesson could ever go on without them, that's clear.

After a short amount of time, the two walk back in, talking about how it is worse everywhere else. 

I just lean against the back of my chair, going back to my imaginary world, already knowing the lesson that will  be taught today and even the fact that the two will take a while to understand this, and probably even longer to get it fully.


Next day

Me and my sister walk by the Svorski's bakery on our way home. It's already quite late. 

I motion Missy to come closer as I decide to take a look at what going inside through the window. I see that there is a memorial service, I guess to Mrs. Svorski. 

It's sad that she's already dead. I didn't have a chance to talk to her in years.

Although, we never stop by at the bakery anymore, because it's where Riley and her friends hang out and they would just give us bad looks, once upon a time, when things were much, much different, our family would often stop by for a cup of tea and to talk with Mrs. Svorski. 

I already knew that that is an image that will never ever possibly be repeated, but seeing that Mrs. Svorski passed away, it feels as if I had a hole in my chest. The last piece of the memory  that was still in existence is now gone too. 

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