Girl Meets Truth

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Verity's POV

Me and Missy watch the school play of Romeo and Juliet. Lucas plays Romeo and Riley, of course, Juliet.

Lucas walks on stage. "Eyes, look your last. Arms, take your last embrace. And lips, oh you, the doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss." 

As he leans down and is about to kiss Riley, Farkle jumps into the scene. "Back off!" he shouts.

It's quite obvious that Lucas is confused and tries hard to improvise and save the play somehow, but I think he will fail. "What meanest thou? Spear carrier, who havest no lines." 

"You tried to kiss my woman. This I cannot allow. Prepare to die!"

Okay, this is painful to watch. I'm just grateful that I don't have to be up there on stage.

We leave before the now ruined play is finished.

In the corridor

"I'm sorry, Missy. I know how much you wanted to play Juliet in the play."

"Well, I definitely wouldn't want to be in this play," Missy states.

I giggle slightly at this.

Missy continues, "But, you know, it's not like I believed I would ever have a chance of getting any role in any school play." After saying this, she frowns a little.

"To tell the truth, most of all, I'd like to get a main role in a ballet play, but I don't think I'm such a good dancer to achieve that."

Lucas' POV

As I walk into the hallway everyone claps for me.

I spot Missy and who I believe to be her sister but I cannot seem to remember her name in the corner and for some reason I feel like coming over.

I overhear them talking. "Mississippi Rose Bradford, don't you ever dare saying you're not a good ballerina again."

"It's just that I try my hardest practicing all the time, but I feel like I am not yet as good as I should be," Missy states.

"You're just too hard on yourself. Of course you are great," the other girl tells her.

"I don't know. You're just saying that, because you're my twin sister, Verity." So her name is Verity, huh? Interesting. I don't remember ever meeting anyone with such a name. If I got it correctly, it means truth. 

That's strange. When I just watch them, they don't seem mean to me at all. They seem like two really nice girls. 

But I think I should better trust my friends with this one. They've been here longer so they must know better. 

I turn away and walk into the classroom.

Verity's POV

During the History lesson Mr. Matthews is talking about truth.

"I'm sure you have things to say about this one, sis," Missy whispers to me, referring to the fact that my name is Verity, which is like a literal translation of truth.

Mom took great care choosing the names for us.

Missy's full name is Mississippi Rose Bradford. I know that it seems a strange name for a child, but there is a lot of meaning behind it. Mississippi, because that's where she met our father, near the Mississippi river. She always loved that place. Roses where the flowers used for their wedding. Missy's name is supposed to represent love.

My name is Verity Avalon Bradford. My mom would always tell me that it should remind me that truth is one of the most important things and for her also the most beautiful thing in this world. Avalon is a mythical place from Arthurian legends, island which is said to be idyllic and really beautiful. Therefore, my name represents beauty.

Mom gave it a great deal of thought because, as she explained to us, the stronger the meaning and importance of the name is, the more likely we will remember who we are no matter what happens. And I guess it works. 

"It's good that as twin sisters we do not have to lie to each other," Missy states.

Me and Missy never lie to each other, because we always both know the truth.  So lying is not necessary. 

  Of course, I do not tell her everything about how I feel, but she knows me well enough to tell. 

Next day 

I am in the school auditorium to have some alone time for thinking when Farkle comes in looking really depressed. I can see why, seeing as he quit with all of his clubs for acting because of something Riley told him, but he isn't a good actor.

Riley and Maya then enter to comfort him, well Maya doesn't really try. And after that Farkle kisses Riley on the chin.

I see Lucas walk on the stage, probably having seen the whole thing.

I watch the whole scene unfold in front of me.

"Eyes looks your last." After hearing this Riley quickly lays on the stone table.

"Arms, take your last embrace," Lucas continues. "And lips, oh, the doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss."

Lucas leans down and he and Riley say hi to each other.

"How long have you been there?" Riley asks him.

"Yeah, I saw the whole thing. I just can't believe that little guy stole my moment. Again."

Riley is a bit shocked by this. "You thought that was your moment?"

"No," Lucas replies.

"Oh." Riley is evidently disappointed by his answer.

"My moment will be my moment."

After watching this from some distance, I sigh quietly. The thing is, I already know what's probably going to happen and how things will end up, when you take all factors into account. I've always seemed to have this ability to predict what comes next. 

I just don't think anything in this world can surprise me anymore. And maybe some people would consider this a good thing, but I hate this, always being able to understand everything.

Sometimes, I really wish to see something surprising to me, something I wouldn't expect, something I would not be able to understand and see through completely.

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