Girl Meets the Secret of Life

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Verity's POV

"All right. So... Should we actually finally learn about what happened in Beligium in 1831?" Okay, good try, not gonna happen. I would be very surprised if we actually got to learn about that before we go to high school.

Just as I have this thought, I hear Missy mumble from beside me, "They do know we're not going to be learning about that any time soon, right?" I know that it shouldn't surprise me, but even though we are twins, I'm still sometimes shocked by how much alike our thinking is. 

Farkle starts questioning everyone (which means the other three people in the group) if anything is going to suddenly happen to them. As if anyone could know it when something is about to suddenly and unexpectedly happen. 

Riley's answer is, "No changes, lovin' life." Interesting feeling when someone says something like that and you just realize that something indeed is gonna suddenly happen. I know it. 

"Nothing ever happens to me," Lucas claims. Excuse me? He does realize that about 90% of the time he is in the center of all attention, doesn't he? Now I feel that I found the person who the change is going to influence the most. It tends to be that when people say that nothing ever happens to them, something happens right that moment. I used to be one of those people. As it turns out, I was wrong.

Just as Mr. Matthews is about to finally start with the lecture, somebody I have never seen before bursts through the door of the classroom. Here we go.

The first words he says are, "What? Y'all started without me?" 

"Somebody in this room is going to be very surprised to see me," he states. By the direction of his gaze, it is Lucas. But I have to say he doesn't look exactly happy to see him here.

Mr. Matthews introduces him, "Isaiah Babineaux. From Austin, Texas."

Lucas confirms my suspicion of not being exactly glad to have him here by asking, "What are you doing here, Zay?" He had to get Lucas into a lot of trouble, because as far as I know, you don't usually great your friends you haven't seen in a long time by asking them what they are doing there. At least not in the tone Lucas has. Not that I know that much about having friends. 

"Well, the first thing I'm doing is waitin' for a better reaction from you." I don' think he's gonna get it today. Maybe in a day or two. 

"Okay, Mr. Teach, where do i sit? You know, usually I'm more of a back row kind of guy." At this, Mr. Matthews turns to look at the back row where I sit with Missy and when his eyes scan the space, only free seat being next to the two of us, his eyes stop for a moment on us and he slightly shakes his head and replies, "No, I'm not gonna do that to you. Have a seat right there, Mr. Babineaux," Mr. Matthews points to another empty desk behind Lucas. 

Mr. Matthews tries to teach about Belgium again, but Yogi interrupts him, wanting to know the secret of life.

As the discussion starts, Zay suddenly blurts out towards Lucas, "They know, you're a year older right?"

"Yeah. Now they do." Lucas sounds bitter and I know why. Riley is going to freak out in a matter of short time. 

Lucas tries to explain, "Back in Texas, I did something. I had to leave." he almost gets to finish until Zay jumps in again, "It was great! I mean, they threw him out of the whole school!" 

That escalated quickly. But I cannot say I'm shocked. Lucas seems like the kind of person to be extremely protective of his friends, I saw it in the situation with Billy. A bit like I am with Missy. The only difference is that I'm protective of her in a non-violent way. 

But not being shocked definitely cannot be said about Riley at the moment. But I don't think she has the right to be upset in this situation. I mean, how long has she known him? About a year. And I doubt she ever asked him directly about those things. 

I get it that Riley is very trusting and thinks that when you make new friends, you should tell them all your secrets at once, but not everybody is like that. And many people have this one thing that they hate to talk about.


Everyone in the class has to wash a car to find out which two people are able to wash it in six and eight minutes exactly. 

It is going to help us find the 'secret of life' which is about the influence other people have on you, but I wouldn't call that a secret of life, not really. 

Of course, other people may change you and the way you go through your life, but I wasn't aware this was a secret and I still think there are more important things to be covered within the secret of life.

My turn to wash the car is after Missy. Farkle doesn't even look at me, when he announces my time, which is two minutes thirty four seconds exactly. 

Seeing that my time is identical to my sister's, we both smile and high five each other after I get back to where she is standing. It's nice that we achieved such a good result. We're probably going to have a mini celebration or something later. 

I pull Missy inside, because I wouldn't like any of us to be there when Riley and Lucas start throwing tthings and spraying water at each other and definitely not when Maya starts spraying everybody with the hose.

Next day

We're a bit late for the history class, because helping Miss Geralyn in the cafeteria took us longer than expected. But it seems that the class is situated in the hallway right now anyway.

Lucas has a tall guy pinned against the lockers, trying to defend Zay, but he doesn't fight. he explains to him calmly that he has changed and he would like to keep his reputation. 

Then the boy, I believe his name is Joey, walks away and Zay finally gets his long-awaited reunion with his best friend and Lucas also introduces him to Riley, Maya and Farkle. They hit it off immediately and start talking. 

Riley and Maya tell him all about the school and our class. Suddenly, Maya's eyes travel to  me and Missy and I hear her say, "You see the two girls in the corner? One is Missy Bradford and the other one is basically her shadow. It would be smarter of you to avoid the two of them."

"Yeah, they are the meanest people you could meet here," Riley adds in. 

Alright, I know that they do not like us, they made that pretty clear. But I had no idea that we got downgraded to zoo exposition or something of that kind. Cause that sounded exactly like when we were kids and we went on a school trip to the zoo and we were told something like, "Do you see this orange animal with black strips that is in the enclosure to the right? That is a Bengal tiger, don't come too close and definitely do not try to touch it."

The last time I checked we were still human beings, but I guess there are people who stopped viewing us like that.

I try to get Missy's attention so she doesn't overhear them talking. "Hey, what should we do as a celebration for washing the car in two minutes thirty four seconds?"

"I know, later tonight, I will take you to the dance studio, when there is no one there any longer and I can give you a ballet lesson," Missy sounds excited now.

I  laugh slightly on her enthusiasm. Of course she would say something like that. "Alright, but just so you know, the next time we achieve something, we're going skating." 

"Oh, and then we could bake some cupcakes and each of us will take about two of them and tomorrow we can bring the rest of them to the shelter for the homeless." 

I'm so glad to see Missy look so happy. Things aren't easy for us, but we need moments like that to take a rest from everyday exhaustion. Maybe, just for a few moments, I could forget about all the problems others have, even about my own, and just hang out with my sister like people our age usually do. Well, almost, given that most people don't consider ballet lesson being a celebration, but that's what my twin sister likes doing, so that's what we'll do. 

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