Girl Meets Texas part 1

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Verity's POV

"I asked the three of you to come here because of this," Lucas says as he shows us a piece of paper. I got here later than the others, because I was at the rink practicing and I obviously couldn't have my phone on me, so I didn't notice the text from Lucas for the four of us to meet at Topanga's. I have last seen this place during Mrs. Svorski's funeral. I'm curious as to what Lucas wants to tell us, but I hope it doesn't take too long. I still have an aerial performance to do and then I'm due to play at some wedding in Manhattan. 

I look at the paper that says, "Congratulations, Lucas Friar. You are an official entry in this year's Austin Roundup Rodeo. You will be riding Tombstone the bull." Once I read the last part, my eyes widen in shock. I've never been to Texas and I don't exactly have a clear idea about rodeos and stuff, but the name Tombstone sure doesn't sound all that great. Why would Lucas do that to himself?

Then it's as if something clicks in my mind and I finally understand. "Wait, this has to do with your mutton busting history and Judy the sheep, right?"

Lucas looks at me and nods, "Yeah, I'm sick of everyone there looking down on me because of something that happened years ago. I still have a family there, you know? My grandpa, Pappy Joe, still hasn't gotten over it and at this rate, I don't think he ever will. I decided to do something about it. It may seem a little bit drastic to the three of you, but really, that's the only way. Yeah, I didn't exactly expect to have to ride Tombstone the bull, but things like that happen. Anyway, the tournament is next weekend."

"Would you mind if I came with you?" Daniel asks. "I lived most of my life in Wichita Falls, but I have never visited Austin."

"Yeah, if you want," Lucas shrugs his shoulders. 

"Can we come the next weekend with you as well?" I ask, already planning in my head about everything I'll have to remember to cancel for the next weekend. 

"Yeah, that would be great. I was hoping we could all go to Austin some day so that I could show you around," Lucas answers.

I look at the watch on my wrist and when I see the time, I frantically begin to collect my things. I quickly stand up and rush to the door of the cafe, but before I leave, I wave at my sister and my two friends and call after them, "I'm sorry, I'm really in a rush. My aerial performance starts in about thirty minutes."

Week later

We take the train to Austin, Texas, with Lucas and Daniel. On the way there, Lucas and Daniel take turns telling us stories about their lives in Texas and their childhood. Neither me nor Missy share anything about our lives before meeting them in return. Some things are just better to keep buried. Then, the topic changes to the rodeo. After a while, Missy asks, "So, is there something like a record of how long anyone has managed to stay on Tombstone the bull without being thrown off or does nobody keep track of that?"

"Yeah, there is," Lucas looks quite anxious. "It's three seconds."

"That bad?" Missy asks in a quiet voice. 

"Yeah, unfortunately he is named Tombstone for a reason," Lucas says.

When we get there, Lucas takes us to his grandfather's house. We ring at the door and it is soon opened by an old man that I assume is Lucas' grandpa, Pappy Joe. He lets us in. First, he looks at Daniel, "You must be Lucas' friend Daniel, I assume. And who are the two pretty girls you brought along, Lucas?"

Me and Missy take a step to him, we both hold out our hands at the same time and introduce ourselves, "Verity Avalon Bradford.", "Mississippi Rose Bradford." Pappy Joe laughs slightly and takes both of our hands with each of his. "Are you twins or something?"

"Yes, we are," we speak at the same time again. 

He shakes his head slightly in amusement, "This makes so much sense."

Then he turns to Lucas, "I cannot wait for the tournament. You've finally manned up to fix our family's ruined reputation in this community. You last on Tombstone the bull more than three seconds and I'll be proud of you."

At rodeo

We get inside the tent and there is a TV screens. I hear the rodeo announcer comment on what's being shown on the screen, "Now, for your viewing pleasure, some of last year's greatest hits. These, here, are what we call 'love taps'."

I stare at the screen in disbelief, watching people getting thrown off bulls very painfully and getting seriously injured. I cannot believe how big the community pressure is for doing such things. I cannot imagine how it is right for your worth to be shown by risking your life stupidly like this. 

"Do you really have to do this?" I turn to Lucas with worried eyes. I don't want anything to happen to him. I wouldn't forgive myself for not doing anything to prevent that from happening. 

He nods his head sadly, "Otherwise, I'll be a disgrace to the community just about for my whole life."

At this exact moment, as if to prove his point, some waitress passes by us, looks and Lucas and exclaims "Baaah!"

Really? Is it actually worth it to prove something to people like that?

"And I really want to finally make Pappy Joe proud," Lucas continues.

"Wouldn't he be proud of you any other way?" Missy asks in confusion. 

Just then, Pappy Joe enters and answers her question, "I think you just understood the situation." I look at him with even more disbelief.

A man comes closer to where we are and speaks to Lucas, "Friar. So, you fixin' to ride again, huh?"

"That's right," Lucas replies.

"Well, don't think about last time. Heh-heh, you don't want that in your head! Let's watch my grandson, Timmy, master Judy the sheep. Oh, you were about two seconds on Judy the sheep, as I recall. But don't let that be in your head."

"How come you ain't out there with your grandson?" Pappy Joe asks. 

"Well, then I wouldn't have the pleasure of watching him right in front of your face."

Small Timmy starts riding Judy the sheep, but falls almost as soon as the sheep takes off. Pappy Joe laughs the other man, McCullough, in the face. 

There's no way I'm going to keep listening to this any longer. I'm usually quiet and polite at all times, but I also know that in some situations, unless you use harsh words, you cannot get your point across. I look back to Lucas, who is about to leave, and speak loud enough to make sure everyone present in the tent can hear, "You don't have to do this. This is just wrong! The community, no matter how tight, cannot force people to just risk their lives like that." After that, I turn more to the others and look directly at them, making my voice even louder, "Besides, nobody really masters Judy the sheep either. Just so you know, I am going to be riding Tombstone the bull instead of him and none of you will say a word about it now or after. You get that?" 

Missy looks at me worriedly, "What are you doing, 'sis?"

"Don't worry, it will be fine," are the only words I have for her before I leave the tent to get the proper attire. Strangely, nobody dares to stop me, probably too overwhelmed by what I just said or by the determination I display. 

Once I'm ready to ride, still nobody has spoken against me doing this, I take a breath to prepare myself to get on the bull. Out of the corner of my eye, I see my twin sister and friends watching with fear, standing as close as possible. 

As I prepare to get on Tombstone the bull, I say to myself in my mind, 'It's going to be okay. You can do this. You are an aerialist. You have endurance, coordination and inner stability. You basically risk injuries every time you get up there to perform. This is nothing all too special."

I hear a signal that tells me it's time to start and the bull is let to get his way. I hold on as tight as I can, trying to remember all of my lessons of aerial dance, trying to keep my balance as long as possible. 

Then, way too soon for my liking, I begin to feel myself slip and there's nothing I can do to stop myself from being thrown off very violently. Did I last way too short? Was all of this for nothing? Will Lucas be mad at me after this is over?

I feel my body hit the ground and everything goes black. 

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