Girl Meets Rah Rah

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Verity's POV

It is almost time for the school to start today, so me and Missy head from the library to our classroom.

In the hallway, we are greeted by Daniel and Lucas who probably only arrived moments ago. It's been two weeks since we became friends and I still don't know if letting them in is a good idea. But who knows, maybe they are actually here to stay? Unfortunately, only time will tell. 

Daniel speaks up, "Do you know which day it is today?"

"Yeah, cheerleading tryouts start today," Missy answers for both of us.

"Haven't you thought of trying out too?" Lucas looks at both of us. "I'm sure you could pull it off."

"We probably could..." I trail off.

"But there are two reasons why it's not a good idea," Missy continues for me. "First, we have no time whatsover to come to their practices."

"And second, nobody would want us in the team," I finish with a slight frown.

"Well, I still think it would be worth a shot," Lucas quietly says to himself, but we both hear him and only shake our heads.

When we enter the classroom, there is a drawing of a light bulb on the board. Guess this lesson will be about Thomas Edison, of course in relation to Riley's cheerleading tryouts and how she shouldn't give up, because Riley's life is what these lessons are all about.

This is confirmed when Mr. Matthews asks the class, "Who invented this?"

Farkle is the first one to answer, as usual, "Thomas Edison, the Wizard of Menlo Park."

"After how many tries?"

"Six!" Zay exclaims. I don't know if I should even question why he gave this kind of answer.

"No!" Mr. Matthews looks like he doesn't know what to think about this either. "Anybody here think he invented it after his first try?"

"I do!" Zay says the same way as the last time.


This interaction is interrupted when Riley enters the classroom with a bag of ice. I look at her worriedly. Of course, this has been going on every year but that doesn't mean it's exactly nice or easy to watch.

I turn to Lucas and whisper, "Are you worried about her? I know things are different now but I also know you guys used to be really tight."

He sighs, "I heard this has been going on for years and maybe we aren't friends anymore but that doesn't mean I'm not worried."

I nod in understanding. "Yeah, I'm worried about her too, and we have never been friends to begin with."

Two days later

Lucas' POV

Today is the last day of cheerleading tryouts and I wonder how Riley is doing, but I'm in no position to ask.

During the first break Maya approaches me and starts speaking, sounding angry, "How could you do this to Riley? And now when she needs you the most? After all she did for you? You should be there for her, not hanging out with someone like them just to prove your point. They are not worth it."

I look at her calmly. "Look, Maya, I made my choice and you all made yours too. And when it comes to Verity and Missy, they are good people. You are all wrong about them."

Maya gives me a look that reminds me of pity, "Oh, poor Lucas. You are so naive, you don't know anything about real life at all."

"And you do?" I interrupt her.

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