Spoilers : Tia and Ruve being cute together #2

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"It's far from perfect, but I hope you'll accept it."

"Did you make it yourself? When did you have the time to do this when you've been so busy?"

"That... I actually made it a while ago. I'm sorry, your majesty. I'll make you a new one next time..." (Tia gave him the handkerchief she embroidered with his crest. The one Ruve saw and asked about when he tried to have her admit his feelings for him before she was attacked).

Ruve jumps out of his seat and embraces Tia. She's surprised but holds him back. Surrounded by his cool scent, she nearly closes her eyes when she feels his hot skin.(edited)

She takes a hand out of his arms and touches his cheek. Ruve is burning with fever.

"Have you been in this state until now?"

Ruve quickly releases her.

"I'll call the imperial doctor!"

"It's ok, it's not that bad."

"You've got a bad fever!"

"It's okay."

"No, I don't think so. I'm calling a doctor right away."

"I've already seen a doctor. He said I was overworked. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't want to worry you. I did rest yesterday and feel better."

Tia narrows her eyes, and Ruve looks at her fidgetfully (omg, please manhwa author, please draw this moment! ^^) . Tia sighs.

"Is this the only papers you need to do for today?" asks Tia.

"Yes, why?"

"I don't know if it's possible, but I'll summarise them as much as I can."

"Thank you Tia." Ruve says with a bright smile, looking into the box.

Tia finds him very cute, looking at the embroidered piece of clothes without daring to touch it.

"This handkerchief, it's the one I saw before right?"

"Yes, that's right."


"I am sorry for what I said back then your majesty."

"No I was not going to blame you. Just... I was just wondering if you really didn't like me back then." he hurriedly says in embarrassment. Tia feels sorry for the way she treated him and how she always pushed him away.

She slowly puts her hand on Ruve's and smiles.

"Absolutely not. Now and then, you are my only one."

"... Tia" whispers Ruve, his sea-blue eyes shining.

After looking at her for a long time, Ruve takes Tia in his arms.

(Too sweet, too sweet... am I the only one who needs insulin?)

"Thank you, says Ruve. I was worried you were being unreasonable and were forcing yourself to do something you didn't want to do."

"It can't... It can't be!"

"I just find it so hard to believe (that you love me, and that you always did). I just wanted a proof that you are mine. I wonder if this fear of losing you will ever lessen a bit."

--> Tia : It pierced my heart. I was so mean. I hurt you so badly. Since I've rejected you so many times, it is inevitable that you are afraid that I will change my mind. Myself, I was terrified of being abandoned, although you have been constantly showing me your love.

Spoilers : The Abandonned EmpressKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat