Incorrect Utaite [173]

682 70 25

syounen_t_sako: I miss Kashitarou-san

soraruru: Sako-san

syounen_t_sako: Kashitarou-san used to call me Sako...

soraruru: Because it's your fucking name


luzabs: Anyone who died and was killed on my quest to get really good hair and fashion deserved it and I don't care


shima_s2: Your existence is confusing

sen_senra: How so?

shima_s2: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to you upsets me


96_neko: Dudes in the 18th century be like "if you don't respond to my marriage proposal by next winter I'm going to enlist in the war and die"


Nico_nico_Sou: Next year we start oppressing people who like their hot chocolate with water

kiyo_saiore: If you're lactose intolerant you can stay but you're on fucking thin ice

neru_sleep: I eat the powder straight from the pack

oO0Eve0Oo: Hey do you know how horrible what you just said was


nqrse: Yo, unsleep me at 6

uratasama: What?

nqrse: Unsleep me when it's 6

uratasama: It's wake me up at 6

uratasama: Fucking dumbass


Pusu_kun: You can't possibly be this stupid

sakatandao: Don't underestimate me


uni_mafumafu: I like keeping my metabolism on its toes. Like what's it gonna be today, complete starvation or 6,000 calories


kiyo_saiore: Bonjour, y'all


_amatsuki_: How do you feel about pet names?

kashitaro_ito: Well, you have to call them something

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