Incorrect Utaite [103]

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soraruru: I'm scared of little kids because when I was driving down my road and these kids were standing in the road and I asked them to move and the one kid looked at me and said "No, hit us." I could tell he had nothing left to lose


kashitaro_ito: Imagine during sex, if people said "nut" instead of "cum"

neru_sleep: I'm gonna nut

kashitaro_ito: Look at me when you nut

neru_sleep: You gonna nut for me?

kashitaro_ito: Nut all over my face Daddy

luzabs: You good?

_amatsuki_: Kashitarou-san wat

kashitaro_ito: Sorry, that slipped out


uni_mafumafu: Kiyo-kun, your hair is so cool, I love it

kiyo_saiore: ...

kiyo_saiore: If anything ever happened to you, I would throw over the government and then kill at least three people

uni_mafumafu: Thank you


neru_sleep: Hey, Luz-kun wanna hear a joke?

luzabs: Not really, but I get the feeling you're going to tell me anyway

neru_sleep: How do Japanese dogs say hello?

neru_sleep: Konichihuahua

@luzabs left the chatroom

neru_sleep: Luz-kun?


sakatandao: Urata-san, do you think I'm stupid?

uratasama: The only thing stupid about you is how stupidly pretty you are

sakatandao: Whoa

uratasama: Now tell me who called you stupid, I just wanna talk to them


kashitaro_ito: Ugh

_amatsuki_: What's wrong?

kashitaro_ito: You haven't talked to me

_amatsuki_: ...I just walked out the door of your house and we met like a minute ago

kashitaro_ito: DID I ASK FOR AN EXCUSE


sakatandao: Yeah, but that's just a suggestion, like how they tell you to drink eight cups of water every month

soraruru: A day

sakatandao: Come on, this is not the time for jokes


uni_mafumafu: Soraru-san says I'm cute "af" which I assume stand for "and fun"

_amatsuki_: Aww, it doesn't


luzabs: Listen, I'm going to be frank with you

nqrse: If we're changing names, can I change mine to Danger?


shima_s2: I need to get something off my chest

sen_senra: Is it your shirt?

sen_senra: Please say yes

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