Incorrect Utaite [97]

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_amatsuki_: Okay, so fuck me if I'm wrong, but

kashitaro_ito: You are wrong

_amatsuki_: I didn't even

kashitaro_ito: Wrong. YOU. ARE. WRONG!


luzabs: I'm turning in for the night. Goodnight Naruse-san

nqrse: Goodnight, Luz-kun. Love you

luzabs: Love you

@luzabs left the chatroom

@nqrse left the chatroom

@luzabs entered the chatroom

luzabs: Wait a second


96_neko: I love wearing sunglasses. Am I staring at your eyes? Am I staring at your ass? No one knows!

soraruru: You're staring at my ass

96_neko: How would you know that?

soraruru: You're too short

96_Neko: Fair enough


shima_s2: If you don't want nudes leaked don't take nudes

sen_senra: To avoid being robbed, own nothing at all

uratasama: To avoid murder, die right now


neru_sleep: So you wanna have some fun?

uni_mafumafu: Are we going to play with some Legos or what?

neru_sleep: I was thinking of something more adult

uni_mafumafu: We're going to do taxes...


sakatandao: What if there's a zombie attack?

uratasama: Zombies only eat brain, so you're safe


Nico_nico_Sou: I hate when people are actually really prepared for a test. Like, who do you think you are? Someone who actually has their life together? That's not acceptable


luzabs: I'm a cholesterol being


syounen_t_sako: Science will never explain the origin of science

neru_sleep: *scientific meltdown*


[16:22] soraruru: What kind of chips you wanted?

[16:41] uni_mafumafu: Honey

[16:42] soraruru: Yea what's up?

[16:44] soraruru: Just realized you were saying the flavor. Not addressing me endearingly

Utaite Random TextOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora