Incorrect Utaite [55]

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uni_mafumafu: Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will leave psychological wounds that will never heal

soraruru: I think it's time we go to a therapist


luzabs: Well, what do you do when you're sad?

neru_sleep: Look at memes

luzabs: But you're always looking at memes

neru_sleep: Yes


nqrse: Chillax!

shima_s2: That's not a word!

nqrse: Sometimes those who deny chillax are the ones who need to chillax the most


uratasama: Wow, there are some people out there that hate us

sakatandao: Yeah, perhaps they're homophobic

uratasama: But... we're not gay Sakata

sakatandao: We're not?!


kashitaro_ito: The opposite of firefly is waterfall

_amatsuki_: STOP

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