Incorrect Utaite [14]

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uni_mafumafu: I have a song title

soraruru: Is it short and meaningful?

uni_mafumafu: Let's not get ahead of ourselves, now


sen_senra: Would you two stop fighting?

uratasama: We are not fighting. We are having a creative discussion

sakatandao: We are too fighting!

uratasama: Creative discussion.

sakatandao: Fight!

uratasama: Discussion!

sakatandao: Fight!

shima_s2: I can't believe you're actually having a fight about if you're having a fight


kashitaro_ito: Pepsi tastes like soap

_amatsuki_: What kind of fucking soap do you use?

kashitaro_ito: Pepsi.


uni_mafumafu: Luz-kun, I screwed up big time

luzabs: Mafu, given your daily life experiences, you're gonna have to be more specific


sakatandao: You like me? Like, my personality?

uratasama: I was surprised too


shima_s2: Senra-kun and I don't have pet names for each other

uratasama: Uh huh. Hey, you know what bees make, right?

shima_s2: Honey?

@sen_senra entered the chatroom

sen_senra: Yes, baby boo?

shima_s2: Senra no!

uratasama: Don't lie to my face again

sakatandao: I want to call Urata-san with cute names too!

uratasama: Piss off you redhead bastard

sakatandao: Eeh...

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