Incorrect Utaite [95]

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uni_mafumafu: C'mon, is murder really that illegal if they deserve it?

luzabs: UH YEAH


soraruru: For someone who loves to sleep so much you'd think that I'd go to bed earlier


nqrse: This one time when I was little I was drinking a cup of juice and my cup was sitting on the table and it flew across the room. But ghosts aren't real it was just science or whatever


shima_s2: You have the right to remain silent

sen_senra: I have the right but I do not have the ability


_amatsuki_: Uratan remember! Violence isn't the answer

uratasama: You're right

_amatsuki_: Thank you

uratasama: Violence is the question

uratasama: And the answer is always yes


kashitaro_ito: I have a plan

soraruru: I hope this one turns out better than your plan to cook rice in your stomach by eating it raw and then drinking boiling water

kashitaro_ito: This is nothing like that plan


sakatandao: I was thinking

uratasama: That's new

sakatandao: Very funny. You won't be laughing in a second

uratasama: And why would that be?

sakatandao: I was thinking we should go on a date

uratasama: You thinking is my new favorite thing


neru_sleep: Just listened to Mafumafu-kun's song. I typed this message with my boner

soraruru: Please stop


luzabs: Would you keep it down I'm trying to be gay over here


kashitaro_ito: I'm going to bed, goodnight!

singing_rib: It's 3 in the afternoon

kashitaro_ito: Oh sorry

kashitaro_ito: I'm going to bed, good afternoon!

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