Chapter 37 : Sweet-Love

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"No amount of you, is ever enough for me!"

Jaanki sat on the grass against the garden wall with her husband beside her. The spot was isolated. Their hands were intervened. They had just completed their late breakfast devouring delicious parathas. 

"So, how have you been? Has the morning sickness hit you yet?" Avinash asked playing with her fingers

"Don't talk about it. I might puke again!" She huffed.

He sat up straight and turned himself to face her. "Are you okay?"

She smiled kissing his forehead and briefly nodded. She loved the concern she saw in his love filled eyes. "Yes, I am okay. Ruchi Di treats me like a kid these days. It happened today morning. But trust me, I feel much much better now. Much much better." 

He guided her palm to his lips and kissed it. She cherished being showered with love. "I feel sad for Di, Avinash. She is so excited about my baby. Her chances are trim. She said she has been trying for a year now. She's scared she might never conceive."

"Don't worry, Jaan. I am sure whatever happens will be for the best.  Tell me about your cravings... is it even a thing?"

Jaanki shifted slightly away from him looki at him incredulously. "It is 100% real. Don't you ever doubt it again. Day before yesterday, I was craving to eat brownie. Di, actually made it for me despite having a tiring day."

"Poor Ruch Di!" Avinash exclaimed chuckling. Jaanki smiled sadly and hugged him. 

"Jaanki?" He was taken aback by her sudden sobs that sounded against her chest. 

"I miss you." She sniffed tilting her head up to look at him. A look of guilt washed his face. 

"Sorry" he muttered locking his arms firmly around her. "I have screwed up things. You don't deserve to.."

"I am happy, Avi. You're learning to deal with your issues for us. I know it isn't easy to let go of your past and pain in a jiffy. To make peace with it. But you're doing it for us. Three weeks, the doc said. Three weeks and we'll be home together." Jaanki smiled staring at him.

He nodded looking away while hugging her. 

"How was your week?" She spoke after a long pause.

"Pretty much the same. But yeah, better than the last one. It's like summer camp. Mornings are spent doing meditation followed by yoga. After that a series of therapy sessions. I go for a swim before lunch. In the evening's, its boxing and gym. Long walks at night."

"I am so jealous!" She commented cheerfully. Avinash let out a chuckle.

"What about the therapy sessions?" Jaanki asked casually, hoping he'd share what he felt.

"They make us do weird stuff. Catharsis is a must everyday. It's the most draining form of therapy." He spoke his eyes getting misty. 

Wilful Wife  | ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें