Chapter 6 : Amiss

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Sometimes you can't help but feel something is amiss...

Avinash hadn't spoken to her for two days now. Jaanki had decided to not ask anything. The next morning she had woken up to find him sleeping beside her. He didn't try to talk either. The situation scared her. What was wrong with him?

Finally, that night after dinner Jaanki entered the room with new found determination. She saw him working on the laptop. By now, she was sure that something was amiss. She walked over to him but he showed no acknowledgment. She sat before him, still no reaction. She took a deep breath and took his laptop and put the screen down. She stared at him while keeping it aside. His jaw muscles tightened, "I was working." He hissed.

"What's wrong? Have I committed a mistake? Why are you acting so aloof and difficult? Is it still the coffee spill that has you irritated?" She asked while gently placing her hand over his. He retrieved his hand from her hold. 

"Avinash, stop it." She scolded staring at him. "I know something is not right. Just can't lay a finger on what it is."

"Look, I don't know why are you being so stubborn, Jaanki. Just let me be. I can't understand what your problem is. You can see I am busy with my work--"

"Please, Avinash. Don't give me that bullshit. I called your office. Your PA. There is no such work pressure. Your behavior at the office also isn't different from what it is at home. You have to tell me, what's bothering you." Her voice softened.

"How dare you? Now you are going to keep a tab on me, huh? There's nothing wrong with me, Jaanki. It's you. You're not allowed to call my office hereafter." He declared getting up from the bed.  

Jaanki's blood was boiling now. She held his hand. "You're warning me?"

"Take it like that if you wish!" He said freeing his hand. 

That irked her further. She sprang to her feet holding both his arms. "What's happening Avinash? I need to know. You need me. Do you see that? You need me and you're pushing me away. Am I not right?" Concern was written all over her face in caps.

"Just shut up!" His voice was a notch higher now. He pushed her hands away. "Stop acting like this clingy wife. Sometimes, I wonder why I even married you!" He spat in anger.

"Why are you getting enraged? It's clearly me who should be mad at you. Have you, even, observed your behavior around me, lately? It's like someone has replaced my husband with some irritable man who is an ass all the time." She hollered grabbing his shirt. 

He stared down at her eyes. "I am not leaving this until you tell me --" Before she could say anything his lips were on hers. The kiss was unexpected. He probed entry into her mouth and she granted it in a jiffy.  She closed her eyes kissing him back, grabbing his shirt. She had missed this closeness with him. She pulled away staring at him. His blazing eyes looked into hers. "I am still not dropping this topic." She made herself clear beforehand.

He stepped closer, his hand running to the back of her neck. His eyes still looking into hers. "You're right. I need you!" Whispering hoarsely, he nibbled at her neck. "Avinash, first we need to talk." 

Avinash closed his eyes, his lips pressed over her collarbone. "No. The other way around. I need you first. The talk can wait." He whispered kissing her ears.

"You're scaring me!" She muttered raising her hand to his cheeks. 

"Nothing can scare you, not even me!" He replied peeling off her t-shirt. She looked at him trembling slightly. Definitely something was amiss. Nonetheless, she was willing to provide him the home he needed tonight. Perhaps, the physical closeness would make him open up to her. 

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-Anami! ♡

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