Chapter 11 : Outburst

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The three days had gone by too quickly. Ruchi Di and her husband had left after their short visit. Jaanki couldn't deny that she had a nice time with her. It felt nice to be in a family atmosphere. Especially, after the hard time, her husband had been giving her from quite a few weeks now, Di's visit made her feel better. She loved how her only elder sister pampered her yet. Avinash who was being a big-time jerk was somewhat passive and normal in the presence of guests. However, it was pretense. He always enjoyed heartily with them. But this time, it was all on the surface. His laughs and smiles barely reached his cheekbones forget the eyes. Something was not right.

She entered the room after her husband after coming back from the airport. She was done with all the bullshit he had been throwing her way. In a moment something and in another something else altogether. She needed to get to the bottom of it all. Whatever it was. "Avi, stop. Sit." She ordered when he was about to move to the washroom to change for the night. He stared back at her. He stood at an impasse for a few moments.

She took a deep breath, chucking her hand purse on their bed in deapair. "Stop it now. Please. Enough.  Do you think I am dumb? I bloody know you inside out. There is something clearly bothering you. You've been treating me like a stupid button— on-off, on-off. Decide what you want. I can't see you like this." Her outburst made her cheeks hot. She realized she had just screamed at him. He detested that. She pressed her palm against her forehead as her body quivered in anger. "Say, something Idiot!" She shouted at the top of her voice, when he simply stared at her. 

She could see his fingers rolled in a fist. He slammed the door shut after entering the washroom. Great, he was showing his rage after putting her through hell! She heard the lock click. Tears rolled down her cheeks. "I hate you, Avinash! Bloody hate you!" She shouted loud enough for him to hear it as a scream beyond the door. "This hurts, Avi! Hurts bad!" She muttered collapsing on the bed. Left alone to deal with her anger, hurt and tears.

Almost twenty minutes later he walked out of the washroom. Ignoring her presence in the room he went about preparing the room to sleep. Her eyes didn't leave him. A tear slipped down her right eye. She didn't want this— the distance between them.

 "On our wedding--" She began in a soft voice, her eyes lowering and gaze resting on the marble floor. "--we vowed to be by each other through the darkest and terrifying storms that rock our world." 

He froze listening to her soft voice, biting his lower lip not caring to look at her. "Maybe this is that storm. And you're breaking the vow." She further continued. She stood up gathering the courage that was left in her. She had no clue if what she was doing would cause more damage or was damage control. But, she needed to clear the air in front of him so that — he could see her.

She stood staring at his back. "Don't let whatever it is, defeat us. Trust me, Avinash, please. Have I drifted so far from your trust zone?" Her voice begged him. 

Tears appeared in his eyes. "Give up. I think we need a break." He spoke as his jaw tightened. 

"You're being a real jerk now!" She stated scornfully. 

He bit his lower lip harder little glad that she didn't see his face. "You married a jerk. Face the fact." He spoke resuming to pat the pillow on his side of the bed. 

"Fine. Then you face the fact that you married an obstinate headstrong woman who wouldn't let you go even if you turned into a beast!" She retaliated. 

Avinsah turned sharplu, at once to face her, "Really?" His voice was cold and challenging. Jaanki's eyelashes fluttered as her eyes met his, and for a fleeting moment she was scared of what was to come. 

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-Anami! ♡

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