Chapter 20 : Memories

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"I want to never stop making memories with you.."

"I will drive." Jaanki opted as they reached the parking. 

Avinash turned to look at her rather bitterly. "I won't be rash, you don'thave to worry." 

Jaanki stepped closer lowering her eyes to his hand that held the keys. "Who said you would? I want you to relax, let me drive. The day has already been hard on you." She spoke gently taking the keys from his hand. He sighed and walked past her to the door of the passenger seat by the driver.

Minutes passed and the two sat silent. Jaanki decided to break the silence. "So, it's just that my idiot is high for a while after all." She grinned glancing at him. "God, you're being such a jerk. You can smile at least." She taunted teasingly. 

"Leave me then!" His words were sharp. Jaanki glanced at him her mind beginning to worry. Was he getting angry? She looked at his fists. Oh yes, they were tight. Oh, she should definitely learn to think twice before speaking. She chose silence and focused on driving. 

Avinash had no clue why suddenly he had begun to feel hot. It was a sort of pointer to a possible fit of anger. He had slowly begun analyzing himself and it was helping. He generally began feeling unusually hot when his temper began to sore. She didn't trust his driving anymore. Yes, he did get fined a couple of times in the past month. That didn't mean he couldn't drive them home safely. As for her comment. Yes, he was being a jerk. That's what she could say after everything? He wasn't doing it on purpose and she knew. Yet, she commented. He fisted his fingers tighter. He began counting backward from a hundred, thinking of things he liked. He rested his head against the headrest and looked out. 

He loved the Himalayas. They had been to Darjeeling for their honeymoon. The memories were still so vivid. It was one of the best times of his life. Gently, he opened the fist. In about, a little more than a minute's time, he felt her hand hold his. He turned his head in her direction. He wrapped his fingers around her hand as she continued to look ahead. 

No words were exchanged until they had reached home and settled on their couch. She held out a glass full of water for him. He looked up and took it. She waited and observed him keep the empty glass on the table. Her eyes adored him. Giving in to her urge, she hugged him tightly. She had been waiting for him to take her in an embrace. However, he didn't reciprocate the hug. She didn't care anymore. His non expression of emotions wouldn't make her back off.

She left soft kisses on his side face. She was so relieved that he was and will be okay. The stupid possibility of tumor, imbalanced brain chemistry or the frontal lobes issue, that she had read about, had been messing with her head. He was okay. She held him close finally feeling his arms around her. Finally.

Tears brimmed down her cheeks and she sniffed. "I was so scared." She confessed. He ran his fingers through her hair providing her comfort. How she kissed that! His ways had changed and she wouldn't lie. But she knew she was okay and shw would be as long as she had him. 

"I know. I was too." His voice was soft. Jaanki shifted closer kissing him again. "Jaanki, I--"

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