18~ Shut Up and Dance With Me

Start from the beginning

You hoped your palms weren't too sweaty. With his chest pressed against yours and your chin finding the perfect spot to gently rest on his shoulder, it was getting a tad bit too hot around you. "You must do this a lot," you stammered slightly, hoping that talking might ease your tight muscles.

"Hm?" He hummed softly. "Do what a lot?"

"Dance with girls."

"Of course I've danced with countless girls before," he grinned. "Though none of them were quite as clumsy as you."

"And drawing girls? That must be the ultimate woman winner," you continued.

"Y/N." Jungkook pulled back enough so he could see your face. There was a seriousness on his face that you'd only seen once before and that was when he was talking with you after finding the dead rabbit on your bed. "I've never drawn another woman before. You're the first."

Your breath caught. "But...I—what—"

"Now shut up and just dance with me." He chuckled softly at your obvious flustered state.

You fell silent for the rest of the song. Slowly, little by little, your body began to relax as you finally began to find your rhythm and Jungkook was an expert lead dancer. At some point you closed your eyes, letting the music fill your ears and inhaling the wild scent of the ocean that seemed to naturally cling to him.

Just as you were beginning to smile a little, someone nearby cleared their throat.

Your eyes flew open and both you and Jungkook separated to see another girl standing a few feet away. Her features were delicate, reminding you of the Victorian Secret girl from earlier.

"May I have a turn with this gentleman?" She asked silkily. "Unless, of course, you two are dating."

"We're not dating," you immediately replied on autopilot.

Something flickered across Jungkook's face and his arms fell away from you. The doll-faced girl grinned victoriously. "Then," she said smugly, "there is no problem with me dancing a bit with hot-stuff then right?"

"No problem at all," Jungkook piped up before you could reply. He extended a hand out to doll-face with flourish, making a little blush spread across her porcelain skin. "Shall we, lovely lady?"

And with that, the two swept away, leaving you standing awkwardly in the middle of the dance floor.


I watched quietly at the edge of the dance floor as Jungkook danced with one girl after the next. Something inside me twisted as every girl seemed prettier than the last and how he flirted with each and every one of them with natural, woman-killing charisma.

Even the most imperious looking, confident girl wound up a blushing, stammering mess by the end of their dance. I realized then that though Jungkook had been going on and on about all the women he'd slept with, it wasn't until now that his words really began sinking in.

Up till this night, he'd only been hanging around with me and flirting with me. It just made me realize how much I'd taken him and his attention for granted. It also made me realize how much I was right that he was probably just using me since I was the nearest distraction.

It was about the eighth girl that he began dancing with was when I finally slipped away from the music and dancing.

I mean, it was my fault really, wasn't it? I was the one who'd said we weren't dating. And we weren't, I was telling the truth. But maybe I should've at least said he was with me? But was that also the truth?

I shook my head, squeezing my eyes shut. This was why I'd never gone anywhere with my dating life. I was too impulsive, overthought everything, and just didn't understand how to handle myself around the opposite gender.

When I opened my eyes again I came to a screeching halt. I'd only closed my eyes for a couple seconds, I was sure. I'd only just begun walking away from the bright lights. But now, as I looked around me I realized that everything around me was dark.

An icy chill gripped my spine as I whipped around full 360 degrees, trying to understand what was happening. The thousands of lights from the festival were rapidly dimming, as if a shadow was being cast over them. A cold breeze, like Death's breath itself, brushed my face and I shivered.

There! I could see the dance floor between two trees. All the people were smiling, completely oblivious to the growing darkness rising above us all. Was I hallucinating?

I made a move to run towards the quickly fading dance floor ahead of me. My mouth opened to call out for help. Call out for him.

And that's when I heard a raspy voice behind me.

"Nothing personal, girl," the voice rattled behind me just as a bag was thrown over my head and strong arms grabbed me, whisking me away into the darkness.



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