(31) - Second Date

Start from the beginning

"No, mommy!" Issac pouted. "I won't leave." I laughed again, my heart souring at his adorableness.

"Start the car." I whispered to Marcello. Marcello does so, pressing the click button on the battery in front of the car's hood. "Issac, are you ready?" He shook his head. Marcello went behind the car as I coutined recording.

"Okay, go." Issac pressed the gas a little too harshly, stopping immediately afterwards. He didn't know how to drive and he stopped thinking it would go after one time.

"Issac, bud. Go slowly, press this." He pointed to the petal, locked inside the car. "You have to hold it okay? When you want to stop, you use this one." He showed Issac the break. Issac grinned, followling his instructions. He went driving, laughing as he steered the wheel. He keeped going in circles near our resting area as Marcello and I keep chasing him down.

"You tired baby?" I stoked Issac's hair, his head on my lap. We had a small picnic between the three of us. I made sandwiches and the boys ate them after two hours of playing. It was fun. Issac played with his toy car for about an hour and the rest of the time we spent playing Issac's game - freeze tag.

Marcello scoop me into his arms every chance he got, claiming it was apart of the game while I knew otherwise. He also playfully tackled me on the grass more times than I could count. His body on top of mine as Issac jumped on us moments later.

Issac nodded, getting comfortable. "Sleep." I told him as gave him a kiss. It was four, the sun shinning brightly but the shade covered us so that it was easier for Issac to sleep.

His eyes were sleepy, any minute he would pass out. I didn't have it in to carry him back home and we had time to stay a little while as he got his energy back.

"I love you, Mommy," he said, before his eyes closed into darkness.

"I love you, too baby." I kissed his forhead once again. My normal routine as Marcello sat behind me, his body hovering mine as he watched us. "You can go if you want, you probably have work tomorrow," I go to tell him but he shushes me.

"I'm staying." He smiled cheekliy. "You look beautiful."

"I'm wearing mom jeans." I state like facts. I looked okay, it wasn't the worst but it wasn't the best. My hair was knotted into a messy bun, locks of my hair falling out.

I didn't have makeup on, and I practically looked basic. There wasn't special and I cussed that I didn't get ready. In truth, I barely had time to change.

I had to do the laundry, clean as well as get out lunch ready and dress Issac. Marcello helped a lot which saved time. I was thankful but embarrassed for not making the effort as I should have.

"And?" He said, "What's that have to do with anything?"

"I'm not properly dressed," he laughed.

"You don't need to be, Autumn. In fact, I think you're more beautiful than ever before." I crossed my arms, not believing it.

"You are beautiful, Autumn." He pressed a kiss on my lips, his hand sweeping away the assess hair on my face. "You don't have to dress up for me to think so. I believe true beauty doesn't need all the superficial things and that's what you are. Beautiful."

He kissed me in the bridge of my nose, causing me to giggle. We said nothing, just looking at one another lost as if we never wanted to be found. I find myself lost in his eyes before I remembered something I wanted to ask him.

"How come you told me your name was Nico when it wasn't?"

"When we first met, you didn't know who I was. I was scared to know that if you found out I was a billionaire, you wouldn't look at me the same. Relationships were hard for me as it is and when woman found out I was rich or was important they saw me a credit card, a bank perhaps. I didn't want that for me, so I kinda lied about my name.

Nico is my middle name, so there is some truth to that. I hardly ever use it and it was perfect. I'm sorry for that lying to you for who I was and I didn't mean for you to find out the way you did. I was going to tell you who I was at some point." His eyes were filled with guilt as he gazed down on me.

"It's okay, Marcello. I understand why you did what you did but you know you can tell me things."

"Yeah, I know that now. Autumn, I trust you so whatever that comes to mind just ask." I still had a lot of questions about Alissa. For instance, what happened afterwards. Why the media thinks Marcello and her are getting married but I posed my question to one at a time.

"What happened after Alissa....did what she did..." I say hesitating a bit. His body grew stiffed and I knew I hit a rough spot. I couldn't help but worry it was something bad. Marcello places a hand on my jaw, shaking his head noticing my worried state.

"It's not like that." I was left in question, random thoughts flow like g to my head. "I slept with someone whom I shouldn't have. It was right after everything and I-I needed to clear my head. I felt terrible for using her and I never got the chance to apologize. I looked for her but I never found her."

My stomach churn, not knowing what to say. I shouldn't blame him but I couldn't help the ounce of jealousy I felt. Was she gorgeous? Did she mean more to Marcello? Or was she just a one-night stand? Or did they see each other?

"When did it happened?" I asked with uneven breaths. I was extremely jealous but most of all curious to know more.

"Four years ago. The bar at Fifth Avenue. She was a stranger and I was drunk. It was one of the rooftop bars and I don't really remember her. All I know is... she was there." My heart stopped with a whirlpool of emotions, one of them being shock and realization.

I know what he was talking about. He described the same bar. It was the exact bar I went to after I lost my job. I was heartbroken and I was too drunk to even think about the sex. So much I forgot the man.

Oh my god. It couldn't be him right? Issac's father? There was no possible way-

"She never told me her name. She left-"

Shit. I'm screwed.


I hoped you enjoy

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I hoped you enjoy. What do you think? Expected it or not? What about Marcello and Autumn? How do you guys feel about them? Are they going to fast? I also want to know how you guys are doing with everything that's going on.

Anyways...until next time...

Love, The Author


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