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He woke up while it was still dark outside, the silence made him smile. That was the thing he had in common with his precious precious, they both loved the tranquil silence for it made the cogs of their brain function and he loved that about her. Dylan Foster got up and walked to the window of the motel, this was his fifth since he had made a run for the hills after beating his precious precious and he had atoned for that sin. The whip had disfigured his back but that was a small price compared to what he did to her and no matter how many times he whipped himself he could not forgive himself for what he had done to her, that was an injustice, a blot that could not be removed, it was a stain that was going to tarnish him for the rest of his days. Dylan then did ten pushups and five sit ups to stimulate his body and once his blood started pumping, he looked at the white board that had his plans written out.

James was going to pay and the duffer had made his work easy by sticking to his banal routine. He had had enough of his stupidity and callousness. James was making Faith's life miserable and he had just the remedy to make him stop. As he looked at his plan he could not help but pat himself on his back for it was a very fool proof plan and there was no way he was going to fail. Dylan had to redeem himself and this was it. He then sat on the bed and wore his running shoes, he could not afford to go to the gym, his money was running out and he had to save the little he had. He knew the moment he swiped his card the police would be on his case for he was still a wanted man. He was going to get caught after he finished his business with James, not a moment before.

Life on the run was hard and challenging but these were the things people did for love and he did not regret it one bit. Plus it helped that he had a friend who used to send him some upkeep money on the new number he had. At one point he had been tempted to call Faith but he knew she would not want to talk to him after their little altercation, he needed to sit with her face to face so that he could explain to her that he had an anger problem and he was getting help for it. If she truly loved him, then she would understand his predicament and stick with him as he recovered. He hoped that after what he was planning to do, she would see his sincerity and give him at least some few minutes to explain himself. This was the chance he was waiting for and he was going to grab it with his all, losing her was not an option he had and he was going to make sure that everything went as planned.

Lily Wesros was seething and the more she was ignored the more her anger continued to catch fire and the flames were inextinguishable. The idiot had made a fool out of her in front of people she knew and that was an offense she had no intention of letting go. How could she have fallen for the guy? He was not even her type so how had she allowed herself to be lied to and made a fool of? She still could not reconcile herself to the fact that she had been duped by a guy who looked like James. Damn that Picasso painting, that was the sole thing that had made her let down her guard. Now all she was getting were jeering messages and she hated herself for having lowered her standards. She knew she was the laughing stock back in Tohana, this was the second time people were making fun of her and she braced herself for the storm that was going to come. Her social circle was going to have a ball at her expense but that was not going to deter her. James, he was going to pay for all that he had done to her, even if it was the last thing she did before she said goodbye to the land of the living.

Hailey Rodgers was feeling giddy and she did not know how to make the feeling stop. There were butterflies in her stomach and she felt her ears heating up the more the guy talked about the extra shot of espresso he had sneaked in her caramel latte. This was the third time she was visiting that particular coffee shop and it was the second time she was bumping into the generous barista. The first time had been a day after 209's opening and she had been smiling from ear to ear for she had been called for an interview with chef daily, finally her star was shining and she was hell bent on being on the spot until she was glowing. The barista had noticed and had asked her if it was okay for a pregnant woman to drink coffee and her answer was just to stare at him with a blank face. That was when he had realized his mistake and apologized but the ship had already set sail so instead he had offered to pay for her coffee which she accepted with no objections. The second time was today and she was debating whether she should bring up the pregnancy story again but he had already added the extra shot of espresso.

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