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Vicky Stravas was bewildered by all that was unfolding as each day passed. When the story had come to the lime light she had thought that it was the usual fake news but as it continued unfolding she quickly realized that it was the real deal and she could not reconcile herself to it. She could not bring herself to believe that Dylan Foster could do that especially to Michael whom she knew he considered as a brother. The story was taking on a nasty turn with Dylan calling out Michael in the public domain, what honestly had happened between them? Was Dylan really in the right frame of mind? How could he do this to his friend, his best friend? She switched the television off for she could not stand seeing Dylan make a fool of himself. The more she thought about it the more she felt stupid and silly, when he had confessed that he was in love with someone, he had not been talking about her. He had been talking about Faith, all this time he had been pinning after Faith but in her naivety she had thought that he was still in love with her. Of all the women he could fall for he had chosen the one he could never have because she belonged to his best friend. Instead of counting his losses he had gone ahead and defiled her and what annoyed her the most was the way he kept on insisting that Faith was in love with him, the woman had not even extended a hand to greet him during their court cases. Anyone with half a mind could see that Faith Williams Farrad was afraid of him and she knew without a doubt that Dylan had indeed done something bad to her. The media had gone on a rampage and had soiled her name and reputation and she honestly felt sorry for her but most of all she pitied Michael. This was a hard blow to him, Dylan of all people, this was the worst betrayal one could endure and Dylan only kept on twisting in the knife. She had tried to get in touch with Michael but all her efforts bore no fruit, she had to be there to support him as a friend. What Dylan had done was incorrigible and unwarranted and there was no way she was ever going to forgive him.

Michael Farrad looked on as his wife tried to play with their daughter but failed miserably for whenever Anita got too close to Faith, she would take a step back so that they would not be in contact. Anita thought that her mother was playing with her and she would laugh and crawl towards her mother only for Faith to take a step back again. They went on like this for a while until the baby got exhausted and cried out to her mother to hold her but Faith only looked at her and did absolutely nothing. Eventually Michael came in and picked up his daughter and the squeal she gave off melted his heart. He noticed his wife stand up and walk out of the room and wandered off to God knows where. Faith Williams Farrad had absolutely refused to touch their daughter ever since that fateful incident happened and he had decided not to push her, she had her reasons and he respected that. His wife had also withdrawn and only talked when she was asking him to go check on his businesses, the detachment was more pronounced now and he was tired of it all. He had tried his best to be her rock, her anchor and all he got in return was absolutely nothing. It seemed like every day she was regressing deeper and deeper into an abyss, into a dark hole that only ended up consuming and blanketing her in all the darkness and he did not know how to pull her out. All the crawling had exhausted Anita and within no time she was sleeping soundly in his arms with no care in the world for she knew she was safe in her father's arms. As if on cue Hanna came and took the baby from Michael and he went after his wife. He found her seated cross legged in the backyard staring at nothing in particular and he sat down gently beside her. She flinched slightly and he winced in turn for it was clear that she was still not comfortable around him.

He looked at her and a smile slowly formed on his luscious lips, she was still the beautiful awkward lady he had fallen for the moment his eyes fell on her as she took his order that first time they met. He was still madly in love with this woman and he was willing to give up his soul if in return she would be happy and jovial once again. Life really was funny, they were approaching their one year anniversary with this cloud hanging over their heads and he was desperately trying to figure out when he would get to see the silver lining. The more he thought about it the more he realized that he just had to have a perspective switch, to look at the glass half full instead of half empty. Faith Williams Farrad was alive and he had Anita too whose smile had the power to erase all the despondency that had otherwise engulfed his being. Michael gently draped his hand over his wife's shoulders and this time he was pleased when she willingly leaned in and rested her head on his chest.

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