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It had been two weeks since she had been discharged and going out had not been on her priority list. She had been cooped up in the house, playing with Anita during the day and having a semblance of normalcy with her husband when he came home from work in the evening. The media had changed their narrative about her recently and she could not help and marvel at their fickleness. Suddenly she was now a saint, a woman who had been wronged and violated and the thing that irked and vexed her the most was how she had not yet received an apology for all that they had put her through. Now the media had focused on her good attributes and were praising her and placing her on a pedestal.

Faith Williams Farrad had even received numerous requests to attend interviews but she had ended turning all of them down. She did not want to expose herself to anyone or anything apart from her family, what she had gone through was more than enough to last her for a while for life was really a roller coaster and who was to say that she would not go through a pit next. Whatever happened she knew she was going to slay whatever came on her path, she had done it once and she sure as hell was going to do it again. Faith looked over at her daughter who was sleeping peacefully on the sofa, she was growing to be a beautiful girl though her truancy was top notch. Whenever they were left alone Anita would normally throw tantrums and once Michael or another person came into the scene she changed and became a totally different being, an angel one could even say. She loved her daughter nonetheless for she was the best gift she had ever received in this life and she would gladly give up her life if it ensured that her daughter would be safe and sound.

Faith turned her attention back to the novel she was reading, 'A thousand splendid suns' and whatever she was reading was making her tear up. It was quite an emotional scene and she felt sad for the life the two main characters had to go through. She was so engrossed in her reading that she never noticed her husband come in and seat beside her, he then reached out and took the envelope that had his name written on it on the table. It was an apology letter his wife had written to him and as he read he could not help but smile, she knew how to get him, she definitely did.

"As my appointed knight at the round table of nerds I vow to read you and understand your love language so that I can love you better." He read out loud and smiled as he saw his wife start in fright before she regained her composure and looked at him before finally settling on the note he had in his hand.

"When did you come in and who gave you permission to read that?" she said as she tried to pry the note from his hand but Michael hid it from her reach.

"It had my name scribbled on it so in essence it is my letter and I have every right to read it. The real question would be why are you crying? Your eyes are puffy and swollen, what is the matter?" he said as he reached out a hand and cupped her beautiful face. She was the best gift that had ever happened to him and he was hell bent on protecting her no matter the cost.

"This book makes me so sad and angry, why do people have to suffer like this? It is not fair." She said as she sniffed before she laid the book gently on the sofa.

"You make me happy babe, you make me so happy and the fact that you remembered that you are my cathode makes me want to make you pregnant again." He said as he winked at her and wiped the stray tear that was dribbling down her face. "Though I am triggered that you do not know my love language." He said as he feigned sadness.

"Like you know mine?" Faith asked as she looked squarely at him.

"I know you like the back of my hand. You are the best that there is, my most precious gem and I cannot fathom to live in a world where the light of your smile does not reach me, it will be pure torture." He said as he looked at his wife and winked.

"Now you are just showing off Michael but I do not mind, keep going my two hundred and nine." She said as she blushed a little and this brought a smile to Michael's lips. He had missed being with his wife like this.

Always and ForeverHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin