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While Faith was eagerly waiting for the bus, Dylan was tossing and turning in bed. He was not having a very pleasant dream and he woke up abruptly drenched in sweat. He had dreamt that Faith was trying to stab him with a knife. It was about time he stopped watching The Following for it only aided in making him paranoid. Dylan Foster quietly got out of bed and walked to the kitchen where he poured himself a cup of steaming black coffee, added a teaspoon of cream and two sugar cubes before he finally drank it. He glanced at his wall clock there were only two minutes left before the clock hit seven. Definitely he was going to be late but for some reason unbeknownst to him he simply did not care. The restaurant was not going to be in awry simply because he was late. He was the executive chef for crying out loud, he was bound to enjoy some perks because of his title. Dylan walked back to his bedroom and roughly shook the girl that was still deep in sleep. She stirred but then went back to sleep which annoyed him a bit.

His patience was running thin, she knew she was his one night stand that meant that she should have woken up before him and crept out of his house. These girls just did not know how to do what was expected of them. He left her still deep in slumber and stepped into his shower where he had a hot relaxing bath, the water was enchanting and he stood there and enjoyed it in all its glory. The rivulets of water hit his body and he enjoyed the sensation it generated. For almost half an hour he enjoyed his bath and when he was done he wrapped a towel round his well toned muscled abdomen. All the time in the gym was paying off and his two pack was slowly transforming into a four pack. It paid to be fit, he was already reaping the benefits because girls loved a man with a well toned muscular frame and it helped to be handsome too. An added advantage was that he could cook, ladies went crazy for a man who could cook. The lady was still sleeping so he roughly shook her until she woke up.

"You have extended your stay. It's time to make yourself scarce." he said feigning sadness but he wanted her gone soonest possible.

"Prick." the lady said as she gathered her things and got out of bed.

"You have quite the mouth on you, feisty. I like." he said mocking her the more. He knew it irritated her but he simply did not care whether it offended her or not. He had gotten what he wanted and that was that. He heard the door slammed shut and he breathed out a sigh of relief. Taking the girls to a motel would be nice, at least he could leave whenever he desired without having to talk to them and would tone down on the drama.

He opened his wardrobe and retrieved a blue fitting polo shirt with a pair of black jean trousers; he then wore his blue chuck taylor's before he left his house. Dylan decided to walk to the restaurant instead of going by car. He arrived a little past nine because he had detoured to a coffee shop to have his breakfast. Things were running smoothly when he arrived, so he went over to his station and started working on the bacon. He looked over at Faith and almost dropped his knife. His eyes were betraying him it had to be. She was having a chat with Hailey and they were laughing so hard that they looked like they were best of friends. When had they solidified their friendship? The last time he remembered they were not that friendly with each other. He concentrated on the food he was preparing for he did not want to make a fool of himself because of Faith Williams. Once was enough. He was over her, if he willed his mind, then it would become a reality, he remembered a quote he had read from a book about positivity. It was a slow day and by ten they were done so he walked over to Hailey and tickled her. She looked at him impassively and moved away. He had to be dreaming, Hailey was ignoring him. Hailey Rodgers had stayed with Faith too much that she was rubbing her bad attitude on her.

"Come on Hailey, don't be like that." he said as he tried to hold her waist but she took a step back.

"I only matter to you when you need something from me, why did you not pick my calls yesterday?" she asked a bit infuriated and he knew that he had her; if she cared it meant that she still wanted him.

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