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It was three minutes to six when she woke up. She turned to her side and with great effort managed to sit on the edge of the bed. Her body yearned for more hours of sleep but she needed to get a few things done before she finally made her way to Crackers. Faith Williams stifled a yawn and turned so that she could look at him. He looked so childish when he slept. A thought popped into her mind and before she could second guess she got up slowly from the bed so as not to disturb him and walked over to the curtains where she drew them. The sun's rays filtered into the room and some illuminated his face. God must have taken his time to mold him into perfection for he was the best creation she had ever laid eyes on. After a while he stirred and raised his left hand to his face to shield himself from the sun's glare.

"Come back to bed, it's still early." he said with a drawl and it was the sexiest thing that Faith had ever heard.

"You really are one handsome fella mate." she joked as she stood at the edge of the bed and tried to pull the sheet but Michael was stronger and he held it in place.

"It's mate now thought we had already crossed that bridge." he said as he reluctantly sat up in bed and looked at her. She was a sight to see even with no make up and her hair in a shaggy mess, she still was beautiful.

"I'm sure I never saw a boat." she said as she frowned.

"Come back to bed babe." he said as he patted the space beside him. She was tempted to but she really had a lot to do. Things were not going so great at the mobile cafe and Amanda had informed her that she was going to call her in the morning and go over a few things. She had a feeling that a few things meant the mobile cafe was going under but she tried to be positive about it all, maybe her gut feeling was just off, maybe, she could only hope.

"What do you want for breakfast?" she asked as she wore her robe and moved to the door.

"You." he said as he eyed her and winked then gave her that devastating smile of his.

"Coming right up." she said as she opened the door and walked out.

She was not expecting anyone so she stopped in her tracks when she heard clattering coming from the kitchen. Against her better judgement, she grabbed the nearest thing that was closest to her which happened to be a book and tiptoed to the kitchen. Somebody was definitely there but she relaxed once she saw Hailey moving around. She was baking something it was a pastry with coffee, one of her favorite ingredients in the world, she could judge from the smell that was emanating from the oven.

"Christ Hailey you gave me a fright." Faith said as she took in a deep breath and supported herself for all this time she had been holding her breath.

"Your weapon of choice is a book?" Hailey said once she spotted the book she was carrying.

"I can put you in a coma with just this." she said as she looked at her friend. Maybe it had not been a good idea to give her an extra set of keys to her house. The two had eventually sat down and ironed out their differences. The issue was that Hailey had felt like the black sheep in Tohana since Faith had spent all her time with Michael. After a discussion that lasted close to three hours the two had kissed and made up. If only Faith knew that Hailey had a hidden agenda and she had a plan already set in motion. Hailey had decided to be friends with Faith so that she could keep tabs on Michael. She had known that Michael had landed in Stocklet since she had talked to Faith while she was still at the mobile cafe. The purpose of her showing up unannounced was that she knew Michael had slept there and it was her chance to see him. As if on cue Michael walked into the kitchen with only his pajama pants. His chest was bare and she stared at the lean, muscled God's gift to women standing in front of her. It took everything in her not to lunge at him and lick his rock hard abs and his muscled chest. The thought made her blush and she bent down to look at her coffee cake. It was almost ready so she prepared a pot of fresh coffee before she informed the two that breakfast was ready.

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