Daleks in Manhattan

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The Doctor fiddled with the necklace in his hand. He had gone to Shan Shen to commission the pendant in question. He wanted Tyra to have something that proved what he was feeling for her. The necklace had a blue background with Gallifreyan writing on it. He had specifically requested that sketch.

His head snapped up when he heard voices coming closer, slipping the pendant into his pocket when he noticed that Tyra wasn't alone "Hey, are you ready?" he asked, looking at the two girls when they entered.

"Always," Martha grinned excitedly.

"Hold on tight, then," the Doctor smiled, the necklace weighing heavily in his pocket.

Tyra moved over to him while he steered the Tardis "Are you okay?"

"Why wouldn't I be?" the Doctor asked.

Tyra studied him for a moment before she shook her head "No reason."


"Where are we?" Martha asked as soon as we stepped out of the Tardis.

The Doctor inhaled exaggeratedly "Ah, smell that Atlantic breeze. Nice and cold. Ty, do you know where we are?"

Tyra glanced around before she blinked, leaning her head up to look at the Statue of Liberty "New York," she smiled at seeing her old home again. Out of all countries and cities, Tyra had spent the most time in England and New York. But mostly because Niklaus seemed to favour England at the time and she was still staying with her siblings back then "Martha? Look up."

"Is that?" she gasped, blinking rapidly at the statue "Oh, my God. That's the Statue of Liberty."

"Gateway to the New World, right Ty?" the Doctor said "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free."

Martha shook her head "That's so brilliant. I've always wanted to go to New York. I mean, the real New York, not the new, new, new, new, new one."

"Well, there's the genuine article," the Doctor mused "So good, they named it twice. Mind you, it was New Amsterdam originally. Harder to say twice. No wonder it didn't catch on." He grimaced lightly "New Amsterdam, New Amsterdam."

Martha squinted at the city across the sea "I wonder what year it is, because look, the Empire State Building's not even finished yet."

"Work in progress," the Doctor nodded "Still got a couple of floors to go and if I know my history, that makes the date somewhere around..."

"1930," Tyra cut in "Just about, I think."

Martha hummed "November 1st, 1930."

"You're getting good at this," the Doctor said in surprise, turning to face the two girls. He glanced down to see the newspaper in Martha's hand and rolled his eyes.

"Eighty years ago. It's funny because you see all those old newsreels all in black and white like it's so far away but here we are. It's real. It's new." The Doctor grabbed the newspaper from Martha's hands, scanning the article on the front page, while Martha turned to Tyra "Where were you during the 1930s?"

She furrowed her brow "I... I was about to get on my way here, I think. Met up with some friends in New York in 1936 but now I should still be in Japan."

The Doctor put down the newspaper "I think our detour just got longer." He turned around the paper and pointed to the article.

"Hooverville Mystery Deepens," Martha read quietly "What's Hooverville?"

The Doctor didn't answer, instead getting back into the Tardis to bring them closer to Central Park.


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