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„Just one trip," the Doctor muttered to himself as he walked around the console "That's what I said. One trip in the Tardis and then home. Although..." He looked up at Martha with a grin "Although, I suppose we could stretch the definition. Take one trip to the past, one trip to the future. How do you fancy that?"

Martha shook her head, a big grin stealing its way onto her face "No complaints from me."

"How about a different planet?" the Doctor asked.

Tyra perked up "Ooh, we could go to..."

"Can we go to yours?" Martha cut her off, looking at the Doctor pleadingly.

Tyra bit down on her lip, glancing at the Doctor nervously, unsure of what to do. He shook his head, the sadness only visible for a split second "Ah, there's plenty of other places."

"Come on, though," Martha pleaded "I mean, planet of the Time Lords. That's got to be worth a look. What's it like?" She looked over at Tyra "Have you been there before?"

Tyra shook her head "Martha... Drop it. Please?"

"No, come on," Martha dismissed her "Is it like, you know, outer space cities, all spires and stuff?"

The Doctor shot Tyra an uncomfortable look as she walked over to him, resting her hand on his back out of Martha's view. He licked his lips "I suppose it is."

"Great big temples and cathedrals," Martha gushed, getting more and more excited.

"Yeah," he breathed.

Martha looked like she was enjoying this way too much. Not that Tyra could blame her. She was excited... And didn't realise that she was hurting the Doctor "Lots of planets in the sky?"

The Doctor's eyes unfocused as he recalled the view he had described to Tyra on occasion "The sky is a burnt orange with the Citadel enclosed in a mighty glass dome, shining under the twin suns. Beyond that, the mountains go on forever. Slopes of deep red grass, capped with snow."

"Can we go there?" Martha breathed, her eyes shining.

"Nah, the Doctor shook his head, shrugging off Tyra's hand "Where's the fun for me? I don't want to go home. Instead, this is much better." He started running around the console, flicking switched left and right "Year five billion and fifty-three, planet New Earth. Second hope of mankind. Fifty thousand light-years from your old world and we're slap bang in the middle of New New York." He paused "Although, technically speaking it's the fifteenth New York from the original, so it's New New New New New New New New New New New New New New York. One of the most dazzling cities ever built."


Martha huffed, zipping her jacket close immediately after stepping out into the rain "Oh, that's nice," she smiled sarcastically "Time Lord version of dazzling."

"Nah," the Doctor waved off "Bit of rain never hurt anyone. Come on, let's get under cover." Just before they could find over, Tyra flinched when a drop of water hit her neck, sliding down her collar.

"Well, it looks like the same old Earth to me, on a Wednesday afternoon," Martha shrugged, looking around with her nose wrinkled.

Tyra shook her head "Well, I guess there's a reason why it's called New Earth now, is there?"

The Doctor turned around to face the monitor behind him "Hold on, hold on. Let's have a look." He used his sonic to get the thing working again.

"And the driving should be clear and easy with fifteen extra lanes open for the New New Jersey expressway," a woman's voice explained as a picture of a high-tech Manhattan was shown with flying cars zooming about. It looked almost exactly like it had a year ago when they went to the hospital and met Cassandra and the Face of Boe.

An Original Vampire's Guide to the Universe (Rewrite)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora