Tooth and Claw

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I am really sorry this took so long. I was trying to prewrite and instead came up with like... five more ideas becaise I got into Yu-Gi-Oh and now I have ideas for a Teen Wolf Crossover, a TVD Crossover and a Harry Potter Crossover. There are more ideas but those are the main ones at the moment.

Oh well... More changed thingies in this chapter. Hope you like them.

Enjoy and Merry fucking Christmas,


A while earlier, Rose had vanished into her room to change into something different. Tyra had looked through the wardrobe a while back and stole the outfit. She had never really gotten the chance to wear it before, so she thought she might as well test it out. Tyra was wearing a black suit with a white, fitting blouse and a narrow black tie that she had loosely tied. Since she wasn't sure what the temperatures would be like, she grabbed a black trench coat to put on over the suit jacket.

"What do you think of this?" Rose asked, twirling around in a denim mini-dungaree "Will it do?"

The Doctor glanced at her for a moment "In the late 1970s? You'd be better off in a bin bag. Hold on..." He grabbed a CD from underneath the console and put it into a CD player that was conveniently built into the Tardis' console "Listen to this. Ian Dury and the Blockheads. Number One in 1979."

Tyra raised her eyebrows and winced at the loud music. She couldn't help but snort when Rose accused the Doctor of being a punk though. She wasn't wrong.

The Doctor started bobbing his head, walking around the console happily "It's good to be a lunatic."

"Rose is right," Tyra shook her head quietly, getting up from the jump seat to join the other two by the console. She was a bit further away from the Doctor than Rose but both the Doctor and Tyra pretended not to notice "You definitely are a punk."

"Would you like to see him?" the Doctor asked them.

Rose blinked "How do you mean? In concert?"

"What else is the Tardis for?" he questioned, spreading out his arms in a grand gesture "I can take you to the Battle of Trafalgar, the first anti-gravity Olympics, Caesar crossing the Rubicon or... Ian Dury at the Top Rank, Sheffield, England, Earth, 21st November 1979. What do you think?"

"Sheffield it is," Rose nodded.

The Doctor turned to Tyra and titled his head. She shrugged "I don't care. I never really liked Ian Dury but if you want to see him... We can go."

"You didn't like..." the Doctor trailed off and shook his head violently "Never mind. Hold on tight." He dug out his trusted hammer.

Tyra grimaced. She had hoped he would have given up on hitting the Tardis after his regeneration but apparently she was wrong.

Rose and Tyra both held on for dear life as the Tardis twisted around violently "Stop," Rose cried out when her fingers started to go numb from clutching at the console. As soon as that word left her mouth, they stopped and were thrown to the ground harshly. The landing could have probably been better but at least it had stopped.

"1979," the Doctor cheered "Hell of a year. China invades Vietnam. The Muppet Movie. Love that film." He grabbed his coat, shrugging it on while making his way towards the door "Margaret Thatcher. Urgh. Skylab falls to Earth with a little help from me. Nearly took off my thumb. I need my thumb. I'm very attached to..." Riffles were cocked and he trailed off "My thumb."

Tyra looked at the Redcoats that surrounded them and hit the Doctor's shoulder "1800s... Are you trying to get us killed?"

The man on the horse was the one who spoke up "You will explain your presence and the nakedness of this girl." For the last words, he nodded at Rose. Tyra's lips twitched at the undertone of the man's voice. She preferred to be frowned upon for wearing men's clothing rather than to be seen as naked. Not that she hadn't done that before... But ever since corsets were invented, she preferred wearing pants instead of the dresses that would try to suffocate the person wearing it with every move.

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