School Reunion

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Tyra walked into the classroom with the teacher she had been shadowing for the past few days, Mr Parsons. He was the History teacher... Apparently, the Doctor thought it funny to make Tyra a teaching assistant for History. According to him, it was the perfect subject for her. She wasn't too sure about it since she had had to bite her tongue more than once these past couple of days.

"Hello, students," Mr Parsons greeted with a smile, putting down his books on the table at the front of the classroom "Today we will be learning about Christopher Columbus. Does anyone know who he was?" A few students hesitatingly raised their hands "Melissa?"

"Christopher Columbus discovered America in 1492," Melissa replied.

Mr Parsons nodded "Correct."

Tyra shifted, drawing the man's attention to her "Actually," she spoke up. She had tried to stop herself from speaking up for the past days but now she couldn't not say anything "Columbus didn't discover America. It was discovered over five centuries earlier by the Vikings at the end of the 10th century."

"There's no proof of the Vikings ever settling in America," the History teacher blustered "Why would they leave their homeland?"

"They fled from the Plague. Families who have lost people to the disease decided to start a new life somewhere completely new. They started sailing and eventually reached Greenland and the north of America," she explained.

Mr Parson snorted "Right. As I said... There is no proof of this happening and I would know. I studied History after all." He stopped for a moment and tilted his head "There was no Plague in the north of Europe at the time. What are your sources? You do have some?"

"I do," she said "And there was a Plague. I have family journals that date back as far as the end of the 10th century. My ancestors lost their oldest daughter to the illness and left Europe behind. They settled in what you know as Virginia today and that's where they stayed until the village was decimated in 1001."

The bell rang, signalling the end of class. The students who had been watching the argument like a tennis match quickly gathered their stuff and escaped the battle. Mr Parsons, on the other hand, didn't move. He was still looking at Tyra, unsure of whether he believed her "If your family has proof, then why did no one ever publish it?"

"Because it's my family's history. It's something we guard with our lives," Tyra explained "As far as I know there are some sites around the US that proof that Vikings were there. Runic inscriptions and similar things. People just never thought it possible and ignored the signs telling them they were wrong."

A knock on the door startled the two of them out of their conversation. The Doctor was leaning against the doorframe "Are you ready for lunch, Ty? He looked from the teacher to Tyra and back with a raised eyebrow "Everything alright here?"

"Sure," Tyra shrugged, making her way over to him "We just disagreed over who discovered America."

"Ah," the Doctor snorted and nodded to Mr Parsons "I hope she didn't annoy you too much. I've known Tyra for over a year now and even I have to admit that her family was... everywhere historically. Literally everywhere."

Mr Parsons blinked in surprise "No, no. It – Thank you for giving me a new insight, Miss Mikaelson."

"That was a reaction I didn't expect," Tyra hummed "Thank you, sir. I'm sorry that I interrupted class."

He waved off "All is well, all is well. Now off to lunch with you. I'll see you in the staff room later."

"Yes, sir." Tyra walked to the canteen with the Doctor, glancing around the school curiously. It's been two days and she was still a little weirded out by being in a school. It was the first time she actively visited lessons. Even if it was as a teaching assistant "I've never actually been inside a school before. Not much further than the office."

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